Postmaster-Herbert L. O'Connell recelved notification last Saturday of the senate confirmation of his reap- pointment, as postmnaster:by Presi- de n t Roosevelt. His termn expired on June 27, last., As under.the, present law post- masters now -ap- j pointed or reap- pointed corne un- der: civil service regulations, Mr. O'Connell will1 serve the Village permanently, o r u n t i1removed for cause, this * betig the on 1~ y Mthe w rtiè 1le g a1w ay i n H. L. O'Connell which his tenure of office could be terminated. Gets High Rating * Aecording to civil service rules, postmasters whose ratings of effi- ciency have been high are accorded the advartage of a non-competitive examination for reappointment, 80 being à 'passing grade. In his exam- ination Mr. O'Connell, received a tAionsof itvîzens. generally on nis fine showing. It was on Fèbruary 9, 1935, that Mr. O'Connell received his appoint- ment as acting postmaster, in which capacity lie served until June 27, 1935, when his.appointment as post- master was confirmed. Hie took over the-office from ,the for-mer Pos.tmas-, Entered musoemd-dauus naar Nus-ah &81i1 et .epu .5..ea ilna,ite UI%*. "odj Atm"Ius&. M.~ ThursckyAugs10, 939 Offer Tax Delinquens Easy Payment Sehemeý County Treas urer, Tomait Out-< Unes Program- to HeIp Reg- tue Homes From Tax Sale County Treasurer John Tornan's Bureau of Tax Delinquency, form- edl 1,eceitly for the PUt1Pbse of col- lecting delinquent taxes and saving real estate frorr tax sale for the de- linquents, has met with hearty ac- cord, according to the county trea- surer. His offer to accept back taxes on a monthly payment or install- ment plan, has brouglit hundreds o! taxpayers to his office, Roorn 212, County building, offering to pay un- der Toman's newr plan. paymnent will be entered and close of the year, or earliera matter may be, the. moneyc ited wil be paid against the ciuent taxes. Hopes to Save Hiomes Tomnan believes ini this way soloist IOnY $89,85à894. of the second in- Istalîment of the, 1938. real. estat. taxes had been coflcted up to the close of business Iast Monday eve- ning, accordlng to Collector Sanborn Hiale. This amlount, Mr. Hale,- said is only> one-sixt h of the, total second instaliment collection last year, and the coillector is hopeful that taxpay- erg will make every> effort to get their paymnents ýin as promptl y -as possible so that the work of bis of- fice May be' completed within the. allotted time. Cotsiur August 21 As previously announçed, the clos-, ing dateé 'or'his collection 's Mn day, August 21. In the event there should be an extension of a iew days, it will be announèed next weék, lie explalned. IThe penalty on unpaid ftint in- stailments of the 1938 real estate tax and. also on the unpaid personal property tax ater August 1, became three per, cent, rernaining at thàt New Trier to:Give, DiplonmsFriday £0 Maurice Seymnour iPhpto àrgolyne., boprano of Summer Gradua tes City Opera comparay, soloist ,nith the li- 1Naies of the 31 students whn uil1