lIelen Margolyne, s oprano of!th( Chicago, City Opera company, wiJ sing with th1e Illinois Symphonyor chestra in Wimette amphitbeatrE under the.baton ofAIbert Goidberg in, the ýsixthof 11he 1939 series of out door concerts, Wýednesday evening, August 16. The young soloist made ber debul two years ago in a recital at the Civic theaà,tre. 'Last season she.ap. peared. with. the, opera company where she scored an immediate suc- cess land was re-engaged 'for ber second season. Miss. Margoly ne's selections for Wednesday*s concert, will be the arias,: "Jewel» Song" from "Faust" by Gounod,, and "Mein! Herr Mar- quis" fromn "Die 'Fledermaus" by Johann Strauss.' Weather is Kind It is the presentation of such out- *standing artists. as much as of the orchestra itself; that bas won for th1e Wilmette Chamber of Commerce th1e gratitude of the, thousands wbo crowd ýWilhet&s- entrancing lake - front amphitheatre eavh Wednesday. eveninig. The programs are so wel selected, and the soloists so care- fully ch osen, that èach succeeding concert seems more enjoyable than its predecessor. Perfect weather conditions have contributed to the comfort o! the. huge audiences, and there bas been an almost total absence of insect pests. Announce Programn Conductor Albert Goldberg wil present bis orchestra in the tollow-. ing program: Overture to "The Secret of Susanne"............ Wolf-Ferrari >Symphony No. 5 in E Mino'r, Opus 64 ......... Tschaikowsky, Andante cantabile con alcuna licenzaà Valse: Allegro moderato Finale: Andante maestoso--Allegro-.. Allegro vivace INTERMISSION Aria, "Jewýel Song" from " Faust ................... Guo Joan Schaefer, 9, (right)., 1501 Wihnton avenue,,Wlete who W>as critically wounded Sun- dayi wheni a random bullet struclc her in, the head, passed through tire -brin and, loclged ti the skull on the opposite side, and her s is- ter Helen, 7, with whom she was playring at the time of the acci- jdent. Shawnee to Be gin Grand Tennis E vent Monda y, Augùist 14 More, than 150 entrants are ex- pected to take part in 1the annual grand tennis championsbips of th1e Shawnee Country club o! Wilmette, which will begin on th1e club courts Monday August 14. Tennis coach James Doherty bas already received a large number of entries, ineluding that oif Ralpb. Wheaton, winner of ,the men's singles tille in th1e club's *midseason tourrrey. ,Play will open in th1e junior divi- sion for boys and girls under 18 Monday, August 14. Competition i this division will be limited to singles play only. The senior men's and women's singles and doubles- will gel under. way 1the tollowingc Monday.t Sixteen trophies in ail will be August 16 aI 1the Vattman Park f1eld- bouse, Lake and Park avenues. The show will be given under th1e spon- sorship of 111eTuberculosis Institute of Chicago and Cook county tbrough the cooperation of 1the .Würmette Health Center and Mis. Inez Bliss, n urse in charge. eA presentation of. the. Victor- CharlesPupers the show will depict ' a 'special 'version, of "Tomn Sawyer at 11eý Circus," to relate health lacts and tuberculosis con- trol in an interesting and entertain- ing, forrm. Jackie Cooper pflays. the title role,. with, Mickey Rooney* as Huckleber. ry Finn, Shirley Temple as Becky Thatcher, 'Edna Mae Oliver as Aunt Polly, and Stepj-'n'-Fetchit as Jim. The puppets, made in Hollywood, have been approved by the movie characters they represent. Winnetka Attorney Given High Le gai Post With Railroad C. L. Taylor of 747 Lincoln ave- nue, Winnetka, assistant general sol- icitor of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad, bas been ap- pointed commerce counsel of t he rotàd, effective Septeniber 1, accord- ing to announcerment- tlisi weekc. Mr. Taylor suçceeds J. N. Davis, who bas been appointed general at- torney of! the road at Seattle. A native of Iowa, Mr. Taylor bas been assistant generçil solicitor of th1e railroad since 1929. HIe attended the UJniversity o! Iowa and wàs en- gaged in th1e practîce of law at Ce- dar Rapids and Des Moines. In 1916,: at the age of 26, 11e was appointed judge of th1e Superior court at Ce- dar Rapids, the youngest judge ti the country at that time. Joan Scbaefer, 9 years old, daugh. ter of Mr. and Mrs. AI M. Schaefer, 1501 Washington avenue, was, shot throush lhe head at 6 o'cloCk Sun- day evening, as she was playing witb othe cbildren in an automobile parked across the street from. ber home. The bullet enitered above and in*- front of 11he lefI ear, pàssed' through -a -part o!f1the braîn, and lodge. d in1the. skull'at 11he right car.. 511e was remnoved by ber parents to. the office of Dr. H. O. Wishaar, and .then b ô,Eva nst.on. hospital, where an x-ray picture revealed th1e -cause of the. wound,. and gave the location of- t11e bulle.t. Recovery Probýable Examînation sbowed, that thb e cbild, Wbo was unconscious, had been paralyzed in one arm and the opposite leg. As t11e hours and day. passed, bowever, she regained con- sciousness at limes, and th1e parai- ysis disappeared. Reports Wednes- day were ta 1the effect that she was resting comfortably, bad recognized members of her family, and that hopès are entertained for her recov-, ery. The accident, which for a day and a hall mystified th1e !amily and th1e police, occurred as tb-,e vietim, with her younger sister and another cbild, was playing in the auto- mobile, Joani was in the driver's seat, in a kneeling position, lea»ïing over the1 steering Wbeel. Suddoeny she sluniped-- dowg. in the seat, screamring. ler sister ran intolb. bouse and told ber parents tbat Joan was siclc.- Hurrying to1the car, Mr., Schae!er picked th1e cbild Up and car- ried ber mnto th1e bouse and called th1e physician.' Canvass Nelglib.rhood Wbere the shot came from, was not known until Il o'clock Tuesday morning. On Mônday nigbt Chif of Police Cloyd C. MeGuire bad put iris entire force of day and nuarbt