Wedding Locale The rnarriage of Miss Elizabeth Lucine Lincoln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Rôbb E. Lincoln o!f ergus, Falîs,. Minn., to.Dr. William Gordon Robinson, sonof Mr. and Mrs.R.B Robinson of 456 Elder Jane, Winnet- ka took place August 4, in the Fed- erated church in Fergus Falls. The ceremony was. performed by- the Rev. L. W. Hallett, rector of St James Episc-opal church., The:bride wore her mothées wed- ding gown of cream chiffon over taf-. feta and a Juliet cap of old lace. She carried, an armn bouquet'of white. roses. Her. sister, Miss Katherine Lincoln, who was her maid of honor and only attendant, was costumed. -in a frock o! lime green organdy of the same period, also a part o! her tnother's trousseau, and carried a bouue o,yellow oxand white.claisies. Dr. Robinson was attended by Dr. Baxter Smith of the University hos- pital, Minneapolis., Harry Barnard Lincoln and Thomas A. Lincoln were ushers. Carlos Photo Miss Dorothy Wieboldt of 5 Briar lane, Glencoe, wifl be host- ity chapter of Alpha Phi soror- ity Fridat,, Avgust 18, from 2 until 5. A wedding lûÙncheon and reception for members o! the family was held at the bricie's home immediately fol- Opens Home for Parfies lowing the ceremony, a!ter which Mrs. J. R. McClelland, 726 Elm- Dr. Robinson and his bride departed wood avenue, is opening her home on a wedding trip which took them tomorrow-to-the women of the Wil- to Duluth'aind thence by the Great mette Parish Mvethodist chuirch. The Lakes to Detroit.. Tlhey, are now at Fifth division of the Wornans gulid home in Hart, Mich. ' where Dr. À iigtodsetbigs n Robinso is practling medicine. l Irn w esr rde, n ithe aftternoon and one in the eve- Mrs.Robison was radutedning. Tickets may be procured from from Carleton college and received .Mns. Staver Moulding, 730 Elmwood 'her M. A. degree fnom Smith col- a venue. lege. For the past year she bas been a member of the faculty of the Milwaukee Downen seminary. Dr. Robinson also received his B. A. degree from Carleton college and is n ge a graduate of the Northwestern uni- versity school of medicine. Among t h e out-of-town Ruests Reading CircIje Hosfess The Wilmette Reading circle. wil mitet next Monday at 1 o'clock at the home o! Mrs. A. J. Coburn, 915 Linden avenue. Mr. Edward Hl. Elwood of Chi- ca go, regent of Fort Dearborn chap- ter, baughters of the American Rev- olution, placed a wreath, represent- ing t h e National Society of the- Daughte rs of the American Revolu- tion, in the Fort ýDearbornDay cere- mony on Tuesday, August 1 5, at noon.. The ceremony took place at the Michigan avenue Link bridge, which is the approximate site of the- old, Fort, Dearborn. Varjous patriotic organizations in and. arounid Chicago participated. in thiÉ anniversary, Iof the destruction of the old fort by Indians in 1the War of 1812. The United States gov- ernment- established the originâal frontier post of Fort Dearborni in 1804, After the massacre in' 1812, the fort was rebuilt ini 1816,- at which time a permanent settiemènt was started. These wreaths were to be left on the old site for three days in com- memoration of the brave settiers of Fort Dearborn. .1 1i Alpha Phis Will Have* Next Cozy in GIencoe Miss Dorothy Wieboldt will be hostess to thiF Northwestern univer- sity chapter of Alpha Phi at her home, 5 Briar lane, Glencoe, from 2 until 5, Frid ay, August 18. Miss Stephanie Day of Evanston, president of the active chapter, will conduct a brief business meeting. Among the alumnae who will be present will be Mrs. LeRoy Shelton of Glencoe, president o! the North Shore Alumnae association; Mrs.. Harold Tideman of Kenilworth, presiden t of the Alpha. Phi House board; and MVrs. Ralph Strader of Evanston, ice-president of the Na- tional associa tion. A deffinte date for the wedding has not been set.' WiII Marry Soon Saturday, September 2, will be.the wedding day of Miss Marion Miller of Wilmette and James R. Park,. Jr., o!, Evanston. The ceremony will take place at 9:30 o'clock in the morning at St. Jose ph's church ýin Wilmette-, withý the assisting pastor, the Rev'. Jos2ph 1Schm.ei, officiating., A weddîng b)reakfast Will be served at the homne o!, the' bride's, parents, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Miller, 1501 Washington avenue, and in the eve- ning a reception will be held in Ev- anston. All o! theattendants are from Wil- mette. Mrs. John N.. Miller, sister- in-law of the bride, wilI be matron o! honor, an-] Miss Lucille Krause and Miss Virginia Corrigan will'be bridesmaids, Robert. Miller, brother 'of the bride, will serve as.,bes.t xman and, John Welter and John N. M\iller wvil1 usher. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jobn, R. Parks of Evans- Two showers were given in theý ,spring for Miss Miller, one at which Mrs. John N. Miller was hostess, on Apnil 2, and one which Mrs. Ed-2 ward Zeimet o! Evanston gave on April 9. The former shower was of personal gifts, the latter, miscellane- oua. Fu Debutoute on SeptembeT 28, iii the audil- torium of New ,Trier High schoo.