SON BORN Mr. and Mrs. Eli W. Garrison of 914,Greenwood avenue, Wilmette an- nounce the birth of' their'first child Lester LeRoy, on Saturday, August 12, at the Evanston hospital. The baby weighed six pounds, ýeight ounces. His paternal grand!ather is Kari D.. Kinig of Wilmette. Ris mother, the former Alice King,. is a .gradua te of Northwestern universi- ty and bis father came here from New'York City. LECTURE ON ART At 2:30 P. M., in Fullerton Hall 'on Tuesday, August 22, the sumrmer membership lecture series will corne to a close with a lecture demonstra- tion by Leon R. Pescheret on ".One- Plate Color Etching." AT GLEN LAKE Mr. and LMie. 4Harry ~E. Weese, their sons, Harry, John, and Benny, and one of their daughters, Suzanne, of 141 Kenilworth avenue, Kenil- worth, are spending the summer in their cabin at Glen Lake, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Rigler and their son, Thomas,, of 706 Cum- mings avenue, Kenilworth, visited last weekend at Camp Ma-Ka-Ja- Wan, where Robert Rigler has been spencling the past six weeks. Sinceý his arrivai, at camp, Robert has been awarded the ranking of Eagle Scout. Mrs. Morton Stehlir and her two children, Joe and Patsy, of St. Louis, are houseguests at the home of Mrs. Stehlin's sister, Mrs. Raymond J. Wiese, 523 Abbotsford road, Kenl- worth. The Stehlins arrived in Kenil- worth twvo weeks ago and will re- main for 'another fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wille and daughter, Susan Jean, of Minneapo- lis arrived by plane; on Sunday to weekc-end. Mrs. Henry E. Cutier and her daughter, Jeanne, o! 407 Central avenue, are returning today fromn Castie Harbour, Bermuda. This, Eauly Colonial Home - 7 Rooris with 2 V2 baths deaigneI mnd built in Connecticut Village for th~e farnily seeking distinctive home lite on the real North Shore. The setting - with overhanging oaks' and elma - niay b. noter) in the photo below. 1ts the. first of cheven New Englad, Colonial and Wiliamsburgh hom« uwhich you will 80e on the ight as you enter Connecticut Village - a section which, enjoys tranu- Portation aMpreme, being locat.d one block from the main North Shore Electricanad C. & N. W. Bàiroed stations In Kenilw<orth. Fieaoinr. hrugh the. Nome. Foeraj Sa'Vings & Loan Association of CiIcago DIRECTIONS-.Drfr.North on Sheridan Road bo Woodstock Road (which îa .xactly 3/10 of à ael.North ol entranc. e r.niwort h). Turn West a few blocks 10 Connecticut VMlage. Irvin rA. BLI ETZ Designer * uil der - Dev.I.p.r 1160 Wimeft. Ave. I..iefr' . a ..Telephome 799 - 4141 5 I WILMETT¶' ............. .............