READING ROOM - 133 Central Avenue Open Daily 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Wedneaday 4 A.M. to 7:45 P.M. Sturday 9 A.M. to. 9 P.M. ingme CneluidoomDardment. Rejeet Mediation Appeafs for a peaceful solution of the problem and offers of n-ediation made by Glenview, Winnet1ka, Glen- coe,. Haif Day, and Walla Walla this week will be rejected, it bas been learned. L a s t-ditch Corridor inhabitants however, are going fQrward with Richard' Wrightson, baritone of 1006 Linden avenue, Wilmette, who has been in New York the past few months, made his bow as a singer to the rad~io audience there. Thurs-. day. August 17, over New York's