She was takeni to the Evanston hospital in the police ambulance where it wasfound that she had sustainied lacerations. ]Escapes Injury John Kobus; 34, of 3656 George street, Chicçago, narrowly - almost nriiraculously - escaped s>erious ,m- ïury'early Iast Saturday morning when his automobile skidded off the pavement-a--tth-e Big Tree farm' near the west limits of WiJnmetté on Glerf- view. road. Mr. Kobusrçported 'to, the police that he was blinded by the headlights of an, approachîigcar.. His -car skidded off the. road, into *a ditch, and .turned over. S Police investigation' revealed a skid mark. 61 feet long to the edge of the pavement, 78 feet more to the *ditch, and 98 feet more yet to the point where the automobile cap- sized. 'The pavemnent was, siWppery. Mr. Kobus was unhurt, the officiai report indicates. There were a number of minor ac- cidents in the village during the week, resulting only in. property damage. Car Ilits Tree On Wednesday evening of l a s t week cars driven by C. 'E. Drayer, 1034 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, *and J. L. Clark, 719 Linden avenue, found in a nearby practice g o 1 f course,- Also> on, Tuesday there1 was an acc.ident. near thé corner. of Lake avenue and Twenty-third, street i- volving cars driven by Carl Ander- son, 229 Central Park avenue, Wil- mette, and E. J..Mansell, 2220 South Michigan, avenue, Chicago. Herow ýCanine to Be Sought Out at ,Kennel Club cSh;ow. The color of a dog's eyes and the stanùce of his forelegs may -be of prime importance to the judges, at the Shore Land Kennel club show, to be held September 17 at Onwent- saCôtiM e lu2b, but the Ipirt and courage that have made d o g s "man's best frlend" wiU fot be over- looked. With that statement, Mrs. Bern- dalyn Kewley, secretary of the. ken- nel club, announced a search for the dog along the North Shore that re- cently performed the most heroic act. When this canine companion, pure bred or mongrel, is singled out it, will be honored at the show by Reprints 4 cents 114S Greenkaef Avenue WiImeff167 Pe r/u meJS>o api 4 Bas190 Repnlnts 3 cents. ALL 10%/0moua Two people with common faniily names-Shirley R. Brown of 1811 Brown avenue; Evanston, and Samn Brown, of Winnetka -,were drivers of automobiles which collided at Green Bay road and Central ave- nue, 'late last Thursday evening. On Friday morning trucks driven by William Harrington, 279 Villa place, Elgin, and Bob Caîkins, 1000 Main street, Evanston, coflided at the corner of Wilmette avenue and Green Bay road. Hit Bv Truck. W. A. Young and rHoward i.awver of! the National Dog Week commit- tee, and Mrs. Kewley. Mr. and Iyrs. Thomas EéCoyne of 307 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, and their children, Charie and Tim-. my, have just returned from Lake Placid, where they spent three weeks at the Lake Placid club. Mr. and Mrs. Coyne also visited the fair during their vacation in Nev York. Symptons ofhay feve.r asthrna, etc. often Icorne with the use of imoroDer cosrn«cs.Thoumsand A salei plaint. Wheel Cernes Off. As Robert Martin, 321 Cuiter ave- nue, Evanston stopped for the red traffiç signal at Skokie road and 1301 Lake Ave.. WIIeff 4200 -I 0, IT