the Women's National Radio com- mittee.over the WABC network. Mrs. 'Lucretia Mott's descendant, Miss Ànna'Lord Strauss, 'Président' Of. the New York City Lea gue. of Women Voters, and. Mrs. Harris 'r. Bialdwin of Washington, vice-piresi-, denit of -the National League of -Womn- en,, Voters, were- interviewed by Harry Arthur Hopf, head of the Hopf institute of Management, à non-prof- it research organization in the sci- entifle management field. Started as -Proest Describing. how Mrs. Mx o t t a 'Quaker leader,. started the womnan' s rights' movementas a protes tto the r ejection of her credenitials. as dele- gate to, the London antiPslavery con- ývention In 1840, Miss Strauss said: tioni, ur«a ge LL ý~ .uLAvenLuon was UeiU in Washington, D. C., with Mrs. Mott as t rs president; fifty more Senate Scene Will years o cam aigning before women got- the vote, and the suffrage lead-Fim' ers launched the National League1 of Be Fil s reature, Women Voters; then nineteen years "h eaewl on oodr of citizenship, with -organized wom- Wifth ewodutedb en voters hammering- constantly, at Harry' Carey,ý Frank Capra this the idea that demnocracy will work if week began filming of the mnost irk- only enough people get interested inprsvecesiihscuenCo it. poltialmacins ndlumübia production, ,"M.r. Smlith "We have Goes toWashingonchicostarann bosses, only because in the pastGost0 ahno, c-arig Aniericans have been too apathetic, Jean Arthur and James. Stewart said. Miss Strauss'. Rappinig twice with hMs: gavel As g ains for the menit system- Carey, portraying a Vice President the selection of workers in the. gov- of the U.nited States and presidiing ernment on the basis of their quali- 'offier of the Senate, beheld an in- fications for the job and not on the spiring sight. basi.s of political affiiation-the two n e stood upon a rostirum. Around Vlously, the iev. Nmai >oaa, ap- pearing as chaplain, openg, proceed- ings-wth aprayer, as is done daily in the actual chamber. A timnely, xromantic comedy dra- ma, "iMr.'Smith Goes. to Washihg- ton" Is bemng enaceted byý a support ing cast that includes Edward. Ar»- old, Thomnas Mitchell, Claude Rai, Guy Kibbee, Eugene Pellette, Beu. lab ond, Hrry Carey, Porter Hall, Hj . B. Warner and: Ruth Don., nelly, in. addition tob-humdreds .ofô players in supporting roles.- James D. 'Jirni" Preston,, former sujeIn- tendent ofthe Senate press gallery, is acting as CapFa's technlcal ad- visor. 'I #O* >'OU fit 1711V /ILWAVf t/ff Ip 4'O-VIS quality naturally makes a motor oil popular. And it's easy to understand why Iso-Vis Motor 011 is so long- lasting: * Standard's special refining proccsses remove one whole quart of the less stable, carbon-forming com- pounds from every three quarts of distilled oil. OnIy the longest-lastbzg portionis are left. That's Iso-Vis. *.