PA OUR ADVERTISERS by GEORGE RECTOR Makrng resolutions on New Year's Eve is a quaint old v'usto M, .and the .resolutions, 1 have. noticed, u suallyý last about as. long -as the confetti. Today is as good a time as any fo r making a. new resolution and any housewffe could profitably resolve to try out one new food every week. THE RIDES PRUDE 111/// Traditionafly, a bride'& first culinary efforts smeenlwâys to bedi- rected toward Hot Biscuits with Certified Pure Lard 2 cupa flour (sifted b.foa. measuring), 3 teaspoons baking powd.r, 1 teaspoon sait, 4 tablespoons Wilson'& Certifi.d Pure Lard, two-thirds cup milk Hands neyer d Pure Lard d ch Wilsn'a «u5trKs 6 1JI~J loured board SRoll out to about one-haif inch thickness, and cut with biscuit cut- 't,. and place in. a greased pan. 450* F. for 12 minutes. .Rmember. the sane douxh cati ha anad G --unrzsrmasuarot,,,was jumea ;nias smmer in Win by Bradley and his young techieians. Parts were p ire boys and girls of high school age. eiica ayed David himself portrayed the char- RESLTMES TEACHING acter, "Serooge" and is pictured up- After vacationing in Bailey's Har- per left. Upper right is David Wilder bor, Wis., Miss E 'thel Anderson, as the "Spirit of Christmas Present." daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles At the bottom, Jack Shepard as "Day- E. Anderson of 122 Dupee place, Wil- id Cratchit' addresses ".Tiny Tim" mette, formerly of Winn&etka. ha SHO II~u ~ w"'. ~ i 14211 Sherman Ave. 1* SNew RevsIutisuuy NOUBLE SElLED CONTAINER Prouects Wilson,*s New Cortlffed Pure Lard t -W 14 E ýM0 4EM-1 PA-