tries. Taking their own car, with them, they covered about five thousand miles visîting Prance, Belgiuni, Ger- many, S w e d e n, Hungary, and' Switzerland, and were in Stockhom e,çarly in..July for the International Housing and City. Planning confer- which tbirty-nine nations were represented. This. 15 thefourth successive sum- mer M Ér. Nelson b as:taee abroad. He is executivevive presi- dent of ýthe National Association of Real Estate boards.ý Theirî eldest son, Richard, -witb bis wife -and baby,, Deena,.occupied the Nelson bouse during the. family's ab-1 sence. ýand bave returned to tbeir1 bhorne in Evanston. Abbott Nelson and two.Princeton classmates spent the sumnmer on the eastern. coast, visiting various resorts and giving1 table tennis exhibits. He returned, home Saturday. LGirl Seouts FJRST TROOF MEETIN~GS All troops and packs will start the season with tbeir first meeting durig the week of September 18. Cards or calis from leaders wil notify members of meeting time and Fifteen Wilmette girl$ eniivpd.a firearm used to shoot squirrels. It bas corne to the attention of the police departmnent tbat a. number of persons througbout the village are engaging ïn this occupation which bas proven exceedingly dangerous to littie. Joan. Some, of these, people using firearmrs are aduits anid oth- ers are 'young people and cbildren wbo are permitted by their parents to do so. One of tbe residients of our vil- lage recently reported tbat aà bullet bad, passed, througb 1the',window of bis home, supposedly fromq the gun of some, person sbooting sqjuirrels. Notice, is bereby, ,give n tblat it is unlawful for any1 persons other than tbose authorized by law, to use fire- arms within tbe village limits. This practice must be prohibited. Ail per- sons who persist in -using firearrns prosecuted ' Harry C,' Kinne, President of the Village of Wilmette College President Wil Preach Here on Sunday Dr. Robert Le fthe Presbyter Sawyier, president n college of Christ- 13 -bc b39 Ilb. green bag 13c COFFEE Aimer. RHei14-b. bog 19'c COFFEE Mational de Luxe2-lb. lr47-c I-lb. tin or glass ar 25. AMERtICAN;HOME alIso 12 other d-ificIous flavors. Pl* ttdoposit on ail bottdn GIJARANTEED HUGHEST QUikUTY HANI i rime '-t:1 1 c TATI BRAND BRICK *b15 SIIvedE,~,f niiurur. i 4Aau i5 1.1me La V.1l.n J. i m .Warner, troop .9 leader, and lVrs. Rev. James T. Veneklasen, pa'stor. Alfred Heerens, Mrs. H. J. Dernebl, and Miss, Jane Blaylock. The girls wbo went were: Nadine TOURS WEST Warner, Mary. Lou Hughes, Mary Miss Elizabeth Breidenbach, 802. Katherine Burgoyne, Edna Skinner,' Lake avenue, bas returned from a Phyliss Haymer, Joan Smith, Judy tbree weeks' trip tbrough the West. Perry, Marianna Hahl, Nancy Wil- Accompanied by Miss Rosalyn Car- liams, Phyllis Cbapman, J e a n ma, of Pittsburgh, she visited Yel- Yoder, Joan Ilium, Nancy Meyers,' lowstone National park, Victoria inx Mary Margaret Robinson, and Vin- Canada, the fair in San Francisco, ziiaSuiter Los Angeles, the Grand Csinvton. ndt Ail Phones Winnetka 2338 For the. Convenience of WiImtt. end Kenilworf h Patrons Cash and -Carry Agency- 402 Green Bay Road Kenilworth Ili ,-t 6t1, and 7th rib cuts oast1 sand centerS,>~b nib cute 9i. 3 AVURAGE, ROAS11NO ems ...2. - ItAZELM JNATIONAL--7c7'o--ýuudSý . chiirch , ciiirin o : t'hp m n-0: 4ik