ber 1l. Carl, Seheffler, director, w1l ccnduct the advanced crèative cla ss-, es, e x e e p t for certain specialized' work. to be done by his assistant,J Kari Warren. F. R. U-arper will. teach the second year où painting class. Indications are.that the enroilment of ne w students for the, first, year group ýwill be* good. Scholarships have -been awarded to four, seniors frorni high, schools in the North Shore area:, Miss, Barbara;,lyman frorn' New ,Trier,1 Miss Esther. Petersen f1rom Lake.,Forest, Miss-Lois Green' from Nîcholas. Senn,- and Miss Li-! lia n Abrarnsgn fromn Sullivan., They wilI be enrolled in,,the courseý that deals with fundarmnentals. underlying ail art expression, And includes com-, positioýn,, design, drawing fror t he liye model, perspective,: lettering, technique.. SEEKS RHODES AWARD Jack Ryan. .most versatile back i on Northtvsternis football tearrL will be a candidate for a Rhodes schola.rship this -,,ear. Jack has maintained close to ain A average in scholarship during his three years of' college. Hie played fullback as a' sophomore, left halfback as a junior: and will plav quarterbac*k this faîl. in addition to being a fine bail car- rier.he is the Ieading passer on the tearn. By pUrchasing a s eason ticket you assure yoursIf*elf coic- etfr.L IEhm a~,ada saine tirne secure a big bran for a season ticket saves you $1.60 over. the cost of tickets for indi- vidalgams.No as-ninue ickt orres Awonderful sehedule! Order your season. tickets"today! See These Five Cames at Dyche St dium Oct.. 7-OKLAHOMA oct. 21-WISCONSIN Oct. 28-ILLINOJS Nov. 11-PURDUE No. 5,-IOWA $2.50 $2.05 $2.75 $2.75 SEASON, TICKET $12 f t. I