thle AtItflhe. tls ts ben e ,ý1ali an ditioial iliner for the ~a~ Ilitornaltionil enl vltx t i nalt I'io d Jaliiro;. Tunl'V t 1. IO. t Ili adidit ion 10 the OsIo("fjorti. Ho- tlarians llUtth iu mtr dani îie t1as1~îof'(thve liollanid- Arnterti'a Iune. and 1.'Arigentiia and the Br anl of lte Anierican Rcpub- lies Unîe. '1Thomnas cook lanld Son and tho ncîenExlres.s Tra-vel' service are acting, as offilcial tranis- portilion.aen for thé Convention. and beîwen2.250O and 2.500 -Rotar- ians art, expectedl to attend it froni the United States alone. As:a special convenienec the Oslcif- jord Nvill eaIl at Mianil. Fia.. so that Rotarians from the soutliern states may Joui' and lealve the ship at the port. The Oslofjord wilI sail, frônm Newv York May -25 and cali a i- Se i lez,- : ro' Ai-ve: vv. l-e : tw.The C.vh- ---e o R o\e r e '.'z-Z-eS Af the Réleem cd.J: Tr::ésd. whe:eé wtIi z le. a :v threugh :.e cv Xo r k a ,j: -: e 2s For ~a:r wz ~ ,seqons Sept, 9 s.~c uz... . a S&:,-e Pav - r - - .5and ............e F~L QAT35c mof ".d s mS*.s JvvUS 1 ta s pbeft Wur.#. 531 AT 1ALL.STANDARD iOýIL,