parts ix the opening play of the new season. The play which is to engage the attention. of, the Thresholders will be a Comedy of political intrigue written by Katharine Dayton and George, Kaufman, which %played a fÜil sea- 10 son in New York and. many success- fui 'months in other cities with Jane CoWl lin the_ titie role. "First Lady" requires the use of thirty or. more people, wifth many parts for older men and w o'm e. n which furnish oôpportunity for -fine characterizations. Th-ere are also a number of parts for young people Ix the well balanced cast. It is eniphasized that the tryouts for "First. Lady" will be, open to. the 'publie and it is the sIncere de- s ire of everyÏ member of Threshold Players that anyone who lu interest- ed in working with tbem will attend this first 4ryo*üt meeting next Mon- day night. The Threshold studio is located at fixe southwest corner of Park avenue and Green Bay road, in Glencoe. The meeting will begin promptly at 8:00 p.m., and anyone interested in any phase of theatri- cal activity may feel welcome to j corne in and get acquainted. e"Paging the Preps" Ileard Three Times. Weekly Over WHIFJLrC' The popular "Paging the Preps" sporteats will returix to the ethet r waves Tuesday, September 12, over WHFC, Volce of the West Towns, 1420 kilocycles,, with Chiçagoland's well-known prep authority and com- mentator, Grant Butler, at the mi-. crophone. The programs w 111 b e heard three times weekly, every Tues- day and Thursday at 5:45 and every. NEW 5NGLAND COLC'NIAL-7 ROOMER 21/a BATH$' This New Englazid Colonal~ Home-vas designed andi bufit in Con- aethut Viafor t~itbetàmiy se**ig disWtfeh oe fle -on the- nU North Shore. The setting-with overhanging oak.i and lmis--uay b. noted in the photo below. It's one of the first of twelve New Enýgland, Colonial and Wiliiamsburgh homes built in Connecticut Village-ci section which enjoya transportation supreme, being located one ýblock from the main North, Shxore Electrlc oaxd C. & N. W.- Railroad stations in Kenilworth. Flood-llghting on the houss-thru trees and shrubbery from çlark tii! 10:30 each night. durinq the sale, lu a uight to behold -exclaimed by vsitor-ci lcscinctting fciryland. The~ wîqt uniicul combnat kio of i$rsaccnce rain land ac!auirement. The ski!! and ii¶tegri.ty have already won thr( struction, and design. p îar uA ' Fiuaning: 'fhrough th. Home. F.deral Bavings & Loau Associationi of Chicago DIRECTION S-Drive North Ibis week-end on Sheridan RoadIol Woodstock Road (wbich is exaclly 3/10 of a mile North of <UntaCe hi Kenilworb). Tranet a lew 'blocks te Connectcut Village. hal.fback; 'Sonny Skor, quarterbaclc, Don Johnson, center, and AUt Bau- - ild . SWSWII\E 79 ý4141 -J cow