REMQ VAL E. G.HAGLUND M4 ]Elm Wnnetka 2108 15LTN18-ltp FURNITURE SPRAYING, IEFIGECRATORS A 1 DW1 C K E R fumr. made to looklilce new. Wlnnetka 3185. 1SLTiOltp> 80 mILINQ AND, ObMTRAéeN 'I actual necesslty for r epalrlig occurs. u*eciK vour horne -~ con-, sidering the wa1Is1 ceilings, paints, as well as the advisability of InstaRing insulation, weatherstrlpplng, etc. Enlist the aid o the skiiled. labor advertised ln these coluinu.' Free estimnates and tlmtely. suggestions are only a part. o! the .eékelleiit services rendered. - -----mua MASO. SONE& CM Côntractor TfOumAS MYER 2161 Scklfeî Av.. Wilnmee118 AI- BUILDING AND REPAIR CARL BENGSTON CARPENTER AND, BUILDER Repairing and Remodeling CALL WinNuET" A2«» AFTER e .m. ROCK GARDEN AND YLAGSTONES, brick, <cement and atone work. Tuck poiting. Outoor fireplaces. I have a Btêek oLua.aual1p a tmIW8ideai fsor, a lake or stog eaiigwafl. HUBERT HARTWELL WINN. M86. 21LT144-tfe JOSEPH KNEIP CEMENT AND BMASOI< CONTRACTOR Speciaflzlng - Waterproofing Basements 1714 Washigtoni Ave. Wilniette 2618 2ILTNi84tp nt . £ Painting and Decorating DURKOOP DFCORTING SERVICE. Winnetka 710, ALN1-flUV PAINTrING. PAPERHANGING. DECO- rating interior orexterior. Reasonable prides. Tel. Wilmette'1879. 25LTN18-ltp ... CLEANINQ Pedersen Decorating Co,. FIRST CLASS WORK. FULLY INSURED. WINNETKA 4119. IS8LTN164tp, 31 DUESSUAKINS DRESSMAKING DONE BY THE DAY IN my home or yours. Can supply machine. Phone Wlmette 2568. 31LTN18-ltp PIANSO LESSONS -AT YOUR HOME. Modernm methods. Children's work a specialty. Best N. S.Ref.. K. W. Mclnerny, 1802 ,Chigao Ave., Evanston. Dpv. à444. 48RECREATION UCHOOLs yO)UNG MOTHER, COLLEGE ' GRAD- luate wlth teaching certificà.te is organ-, Izing pa groups for littie children mvoro- lngs 9toý,15 e ek h W*LTN18-lt e. Ph. Llmette si INSURA#40E INSUR4NCZ, ail klnds, Lite, Acident, 4iltaM@bll. ]ir.LCas»uaty.LiAbMltyý JOSEPH P. COLLIGAN Real Estate, Notary Public, -Insurance. 558 Green Bay Road Winn. 1760 51LTN18-tfe 57 MASSAGE BW EXCP. LAU)NDRESS. BATH TOWELS, chenillé spreads, rugsflIuffed. WiR cal k deliver. WJImette 904. 94LTN!7.2tp 1Ri >LAUNIDRY A» CLEAINING SMonday and Tuesdaky Shirts and table, linen a, specialty. N.S. 'reterences. Cail Winnetka 258. VASHING OR HOUSECLEANING, 1 OR 2 D-JAYS A> WIEK; By EEi. tIENCED WRITE WOMAN. Wlnnetka 1330 94L18-ltp EXPERIENCED WfRTE WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK, CLEANING. 1REFERIENCES. WINNETKA 102. RELIABLE COLORED WOMAN WANTS launclry by the day. Phone Greenleat 6«35. 94LTU18-t> WHY NOT LEAVE YOUR CHXLD WT me276, Be you work, play or;shop? Write B-26, ox60, wilmette, Ili.. 94LTN18-»ltp YOUNG CO0LO0R ED GIRL WANTS, housework, cooking, sewling; steady or day work, Excellent refers. Oakland 4497. 94LTN18-ltp MAID WANTS GENERAL HOUSE. work, or iniorning work. Ref. Cail Gre. 70M, sk for' qbetesa.; 94LTfN84tp EXP. INTELLIGENT MULATTO H-.S. girl wants work in exch. for smal wages and rm. and board. Nr. New Trier. Caîl Katie, after 4:30 p.m. Unil,- 6011. 94LTNIB-tp GIRL WISHES WORK BY WEEK Olt hour, whole or half days. Laundryý, clearnng, also take care of children by the hour. Rets. Day. 2865. 94LTN18-ltp ead = 72 4tp - 8S I ers siUJV Vim WUAwaiav. cil, 1: '7 TRAVEL. SEnRVNo or day. By t Id. References, mn Ave., Evanston 87 CHAýUFFEUR, HOUSE mN& rl er wants job.- 10 years last jKenilWorth 497. [E. I1569 -ttc1