Y!eTIheannual trek to the classrtoom wilI sooli be on . . . now's the time to repair your jewelry for that event. Watches anid Jewelry icleaned, repaired and remodeled. New fali Jewelry andcollegecharms, ________JmLER_ 1131 Central Ave. Wilmette 3284, Attetion MEN!! Just want, to tell you, and young men, too .. that I've put in. stock that fine (~. A< -line Of. iN«unuJmusia.Shoea $5 $550 $650 $795 $850 $950 $10 $1 1 50 ~Nuff-sed' J. J.SCHNEIDER Schneîder's Shoe, 1150 Cernral Avernue Day committee. . f.lTan 170 Entered Golfers are invited, to tee-off in the morning. Others are urged to The 43rd amateur tchampionship corne as early as possible in the of the United States Golf association afternoon so that they can parti- will be, held at the North Shore Coun- cipae inthefiel evets.try club ini Glenview Monday throujgh One ot the big.gest attractions last Saturday, September 1l to 19., yeéar was 'the egg-throwing contest Karl W. Bock is chairinan 'and wýhich resulted 'in a number 0f ça- George D.. Wolf is-co-chairman of tastrophies for thoseon the receiv- the tournament committee. ing end. So far there have been mnore than Prizes wilI 6e awarded to the win- 170 entries. in the tournamnent. ners of lite.golf tournamnent and field, Local Contestants events after'dinner. Ticketscan beý Local contestants will include A. obtajned. at Blann's Pharmiacy, L. Miller, Bob-O-'Link; Hunter Hicks, Crook's Nook ,and the North Western Skokie; Walter E. Berkemo, Evans- station in Kenilworth, it is explain- I ton~ W., J.: Tewksbtury, La Gran ge; ed. Arthur L. Doering, Jr.. Medinah: Kenneth Hisert,, Lincolnshire, Russel' Thomas Damrnanns lJhwELh ner . North Shore.- Johnny Krutilla, Now n Bud pest Olymfpian Fields: Charles Evans, Jr_. Edgewater, Sidney G. Richardson, *The J. F. Dammanns of 853 Pros- Kildeer; John Wagner, Kildeer; pect avenue, Winnetka, have receiv- George. Dawson., Gl ,en Oak: and, ed1 word fi r o m fhéiý son-, ThomaCs, ChuckBoywid. fBig Oaks. who, was in Danzig until recently, Committee Personnel that he now is making his head- George W. Blossom, Jr., Onwent- quarters ini Budapest and expeets to sia club, Lake Forest, is a vice- remain there for several w e e k s, president of' the United States Golf traveling in the surrounding coun- association, and Leslie . L, Cooke, try. In addition to ýwriting for an Bob o' Link Golf club, Highland American-English. paper in Buda- Park, is a member of the executive pest, he is securing material for his committee. own syndicate, and his wife is illus- Other members of the tournament trating his articles with photographs.co itearRlhG.Mda,. For the past six rnonths, bis syndi- H. Modica, A. H. Sus. A. E. Tre- WINJID gunis. of PURE-PEP GASOLINE Youve seen the whte h Bowman Service Station Cone 'and look bim over in front of the Frank 223 Central Avenue. I RESUME STUDIES IMiss Margaret Anderson of 1539 ISpencer avenue came home. Monday Imorning from a~ summer in Cali- fox-nia, and,. with her sister, Mary, will leave. Sunday for Waukesha, Wis., where. the two. girls will re- ing. HarÈy W.* Leighton is president of the club. Mr-. moved to Mt. MOEEAST and Mrs. L. .W. Johnson, from Kenilworth,,yesterday Lebanon, near Pittsburgh,' where Mr. Johnson has a c- a new position. They have, children, Dari, Robert, and 1. The Johnsons' house at Central Avenue WiImetle 5362