urbs. These, local residents -w i 11 be among.the. 5,,000 womnen who.will distribute the famniliar red tag throughout the streets of Chicago- land. for the. 23rd annualdrv in behaif of .many.-mriscellaneous wfaeagencies flot included in the regular Comnmu nity Chest cam- paign. Approximately $50,000 is befing sought in theý drive next Monday,, according to a, joint statemnent by, Mrs. Frank Specht, president. of the, FederatedCharities, and Mrs. Louis, Savitt, head of the Associated.Char- ities. 'Will you have a heart?" is not onlya plea to the generosity of Chi- cagoland, but is an' opportunity for every man, woman, and youth to share in the support of charities that~ have nio other mensof con- veniently soiiciting the great num- ber of small contributions so vital in maintaining their programs of so- cial service, the joint statement pointed out. Included in the list of agencies this year are: free clinics and hos-, pitals; children's homes; sanator- iums for tuberculosis, aged, and in- digent; institutions for convalescent men, women, and children; day nur-' * series fo r children of working par- the gap between teanporary hard luck and long-term relief. GUIDE - LECTURE TOURS "Dinosaurs and Their Cousins" will be the subject of a guide-lecture tour for the general public to be presented at Field Museum of Nat- ural History Monday, September 11, at 3 o'clock. On Tuesday and Thurs- day at the same hour there will be ienraltouirs of anthropological, Horace A. Young, 11337' Green- ,Wood avenue, Wilmiette, (t ru s ts, m ortga1ges and foreclosures) RE Pattison Kline, 1311 Greenwood ave-, nue,, Wilmette,.(public. speakinig) ;* Benjamin Wham, 1103 Sprucestreet, Winneétka, (labor laws, bankruptcy).; Harry C. Kinnie, .1324, Elmwood.ave- nue, Wilmette, .(probate prac tice) Robert McMurdy, .1505 Scott ave- nue, Winnetka, is a member of the. board of trustees of the school. Lutherans Hold Student Service A special "students' service" was conducted last Sunday at St. John'Vs Lutheran church, Wilmette an d Park avenues, for the twenty-one young people of the congregation who will attend colleges and univer- sities during the coming year. These students and their schools are: Frances Dahncke, State Nor- Bsarbara andi Mary Elien Wipruc2, Coe; Theodore Buenger, Princeton; Leon flrummond, Texas U.; James Edwards, Michigan; Robert Gockel, Valparaiso; Ebert Knoop and Bert Simons, Illinois; Robert Kuehnert, Illinois Medical; Robert Matthew, Wabash, John and Fred Rusch, Washington and Lee; Guenther Steighorst, Monmouth; Ri ch ar d Weimer, Kempèr Military. Youi kaow. of course, that for an M. Di to quallfys a practlchlB iphyilan0, t la uecessaythat inany years b. speat l0uSdr stdprepaati Md piatc. T'h.erate ti me ýconumd by a Doctor ln. *tudy, prparaton'sud, uuproductlve pratice la rondtwelýve Y.ar. Theseu» outv eansd the actual mouey sprt total. froiml 415M Wto USAW, depenguoâ theidividual, andsources of educatlon. LLMIMILR.Ph. *CK*YUN .P& 1138 Cen.*w1I-Avé. D .. WheI.28 400 Liaden Ave. A hrand new 1940 Crosley Radio wiHl be given free to the person subnittingý the best 25 word description of the Crosley automobile on display in our showroom during our