North shore garderis maintain their reputation for finest dahlias, despite the drougth and extrernely bot weaih- er of two weeks ago. This was evidenced bythe splendid showing of these stately blossoms at the flfth annual. dahlia show held at Community bouse, Winnetka, Satur- day and Sunday, by the American Gardeners'. association. While the number of exhibitors was somewhat less Ithan in previous years, due entirely to the drouth, the show was-much larger -and the quai- ity of the* flowers was fat better than .It any .of the simfilar exhibitions ýin the Chicago area this season. This fact was, frequently corn- mented upon by mnany visitors, fo.1- lowing their inspection of other dis- plays. Show WasSues Despite ail adverse circumstances the show was a success, according to Frank Moening, chairman of the show committee, who said. the àssà- ciation is looking forward to its sixth annual exhibition next year, planned on an even greater scale than here- tofore. Following is a list of the prize win- ners: Class 1-15 to 25 specimn blooms: lst- Elof Clauson, Lake Forest; 2nd-Mrs. M. B. Poole, Lake Forest, Egil Berg, gar- dener. F'atnauer, tHighland JPark, A special award for. the iarLcest fiower in the :show was given to Mrs. J. G. Sample, of Lake Forest (An- drew Eide, gardener) for an eleven- inch blossom of the variety "Director Kari Dahi." Johnson Tree Expert, of Evanston, had a 'fine. exhibit of irijurlouis in- sects- and tree, disea ses. One corner of the'show room> was decorated with dahlias, from the. Oman Nurseries, of Wheeiing., The Green garden, by the Clavey Nurseries, of Ravinia, wasý an inter- esting feature of theshow. The exhibit by the Audubon Worký shop, of Glencoe, featuring bird feeders, attract ed much at tention. Kenilwvorth Stutdent Attends Con vocationý..l This. Is Your. Invitation to Sée ,WJEDOLDT'S Fabries o.,Parade Patterlna by Vogue Sew .and be ilividual! You'll find ;many wonderfulideas; for your fal and winter wardrobe at titis Fashion Show and the very neweot fabrica an atrsaefon nmrFbi Department. Living modela wiil pa- rade the latest styles for fail and wln- tei--so don't. missthis opportunity.