CanetoiWIn ON PACIFIC COAST Miss -Amnen Edinger and her sis- ter, Mrs. Kathryn Fafler,, 1601 Tenth street, Wilmette, are on a mnonth's trip, to the Pacifié coast. They ajre going to- San Francisco to the fair, will visit, relatives in Los Angeles, and take a pack trip through. Estes Park, nturning home the fnst: of Octoben. BEGINS. COLLEGE GAREER, Accompanied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rozier D. Oian, 318-Sev- enteenith-1 street,. Wilnitte, Miss. Barbara Oilan dro-e to Greencastie, Ind., September 10, O to enter her freshmnan- year at DePauw uni- vers ity.- She is a. graduate of New Trier High school. BEGINS FJRESHIMAN YEAR of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Arrma of 221 Woodbine avenue, Wilmette, lias entered MacMurray college. Jack- sonville, Ill., as a member of the 94th -class. Miss Armns will be a freshmnan this year. SOPHOMORE AT CARROLL Miss Virginia Biser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Biser, 423 Green.- leaf avenue, Wilmnette, left last week Norman J. Collins, son of Mr. and Mrs... Norman B. Collins,, 6M0 Eln-- wood. avenue, Wilnette,, left last week for Madison, Wis., where 'heý hag entered the University o fWis- consin. euNilott.AT ILLINOIS Harold Bergman,. Jr., son of Mr. and Mirs. Harold E. Bergman. 1231 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, left:Sun-. day for Champaign,, where he Winl be a mem;berof the junior class.thiÉ' fafl at the University of illinois. Genuie, Aristlc Articles IMlported Direct from' te Near East. AtusSeverai Thousani Dollars Worth of Brocades, Copper, Drasu, FurltueJewelry, Potterwy, Vases, Lampas, Crosses andi Cruciftes, Art Photos, Christmas Caris,' Mother 0 Peai, D9edis, -ani Ofmer useful articles. ouhaire always wantedsmre. treasu re of the Hast 'as a re mIfier oif the HfoIy Ln-HI 8TOUR OPPOgtTUNITT. Haniember .mt. tchrist- m.»as wIl roil arduai quickly. Dguy glftz that wIll larease -la valué as the years go by. OPEN PROM 9 A. M. TO 9 M. M. ARAS ARTS AND CRAFTS. 515 lDempeter istreet M., G. Moren, Importer Ui. (Betweèn Chicago Ave. and Hinmnan, Evanston) (didck Bu. WiI&pt~ 1001 AT ST. JOHN'S After having spent a week. a t the home of his sister, Mrs. Victor E. Deinlein, 510 Fifth street, Wilmette, James Nichol of Ames, la., left Fni- day for Delafield, Wis., where he wilI be a junior this year at St. John's Military academy, ENTERS DENISON v j Lo1~. r k 1939!