Mrs. Carl Johnsen, who has re- viewed for the club the past several years, will a gain give a series of four reviews. the members glving the others. Mrs. Johnsen has chosen for ber review Monday, Vardis Fisher's .-"the Children, o! God." The cô-hoste.-s for the meeting will be Mrs. William Merkle. Des- sert Will :be served at 1:30ý o'clock. Announcemeént of the additional ,iterature meetings for the year is also being made by Mrs., Robert Glenn, Ijterature chairman, and will be as follows: October meeting,- Mrs., Roy Wes- sendorf, 2200- ThornWood' avenue; co-hostess, Mrs. J. A. Hartley; Re- viewer, Mrs. Robert Glenn. November meeting - Mrs. H. B. Ingersoll, 556 Greenwood avenu e, Kenilworth; reviewer, Mrs. "John- sen. January meeting - Mrs. J. E. Barten, 2016 Thornwood avenue, co - hostess, Mr 's. Frank Crawford; reviewer, Mrs. Johnsen. February - Mrs. William Hughes, 1917, Greenwood avenue; co-host- ess, Mrs. Ernest Kuhn; reviewer, Mýrs. H. B. Ingersoll. Mardi - Mrs. Robert C. Marley, 2204 Thornwood avenue; co-hostess, Mrs. Léonard Van Deursen; re- viewer, 'Mrs. Johnsen. ,April - Mrs. Edward Devlin, 2015 Thornwood avenue; co-hostess. Mrs. Ralph McNally, reviewer, M r s. Stanley Johnsen. May - Mrs. Robert Glenn, 2106 Beechwood avenue; co- hostess, Mrs. Frank Suttie; reviewer to e announced later. The members 'of the board of the Northridge Womian's club will meet' at the home of the president, Mrs. William Heise, 2021 Kenilworth ave- nue, Tuesday morning at 10: 30, Prominent Club Miss Anne. Louise Koenig 0f 1028 Simnions of Clinton, Iowa. Sunday, Elmwood avenue left last week for Mr. and Mrs. Eugeue Arms, her her last year at the Villa de Chanta parents, left to drive Nancy Ann anld nt Rock Island, 111. Miss Simnions to MacMurray. OPEN THURSDAY .nd SATURDAY EVENINGS until 9 O'CLOCKj Miss Powers, Hickory Styli, AI b. in the, Foundation' Section- Thursday thrbugh Saturday, September 21 through 23 >0 s 1* w .5.s the k. Bumper lt's a newcomer to the Hat bar . . . and, smart as a vhpl A gay ltftle: bumper- of féit stitcled over every inch in brght. colors and then it adds a saucy feather to curi right over the top .. . one of the many smart new toppers youlI find in the Hat Bar.. Others $1 .95 to $3.95 III to give us, multi-confrol ali-hu-one dramatic ma exmphaSls EDGAR A. STEVENSI mc. Evans1on EDGAR A. STEVENS, Imc. i $295