presidenit. "Kalteniborn% Edits The News"ý xiii be the titie of the timely fea- ture which will inaugurtate the [al and winter-program of activities of the Shawnee. Country club. As news analyst.for the Columbia Broadcast- ing system, Mr. Kaltenborn achieved world renown by his handling of the * vuihCrisis" last year. Interprets Events The international broadeasts frorn Europe and the analyses of world news which have been directed by Mr. Kaltenborn during the opening of, the present war have kept mil- lions of radio listeners posted on the swif t march of events and their trag- ic implications. With the responsi- bility imposed by the first great war in which radio has played a funda- Discussed by Board Chief Speaker Lack of Federal Aid, Drop in EÉnroliment, Problem for Ed- ucation Body, Taxpayers, -scitor Much misunderstanding exists bout what happened - to the school uilding project for Kenilworth Gar- ens. I have heard many assertions àat the board of education neyer eriously entertamned the, proposi- [on, that they allowed the negotia- ions to languish after they were in-~ ituted and finally that they sabo- aizd the nitoiect -when it was flnally Wlmette Civic league will inaugu- rate its 1939-1940 season ,with- a symposium at which will-be pre- t sented resumnés of the. deve1o:~ ments and activ- ilies of the pub- lic school board, board, the: Park board and the New Trier High school b o ard during the past year, and espe- ciàliy through The purpose. 15 W. M. James to fully inforrn villgersa,4 bring them up-to-date on ail matters of .public lnterest. The meeting will be held Thurs- day, September 28, in the Eiiglish room of Marshall Field's downtown store, at 12:15 p.rn. Special at- 1 tention is direct- 1 ed to the fact that the date for 1 this session has * ~ The Shawnee lecture on uctooer 2, whichý was arranged in view of the intense interest which the warý has for Amnerica, will be the first appearance of the famous radio commentator in the Chicago area since the. hostiities in Europe be- gan. A special committee of Shaw- nee Country club m'iembers is be- ing formed :to, handle the Kalten- born lecture. John P. Baliman, of Wilmette, presi 'dent of the New Trier High school board of education, will be one of the speakers at a sym- posiumi to be held by thie Wil- mette Civic league Thursday, Septernber 28.' Mr. Ballman. will held at least a dozen meetings and individual members spent many te- dious hours in perfecting the plans. The charge that niembers were only haif hearted i5 rèfuted by the fact that it was passed with but one dissenting vote and that dissent based merely upon the opposition of thie objecting mnember to the accep- ta~nce of federal funds for any pur- suit thie con- venience ofl the speakers. It willl not be neces- Paeh Photo sary to make H. J. Bradt reservations, as ample' accommiodations have, been provided, it is explained.. I m fl1 - ' i