[Camïp FireJ On January 6, the Camp F'ire Girls held their first meeting of theý New Year. It was a business meet- ing. The girls decided on a new time for their meetings. The time dlecided on is Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. They planned activities for, the coniing year. At the next meet- ing the girls are going to work on the ranks., Pitions are being circulated this week rn b ehaif of James. S. Kemper of. Winnetka,. who, has annoncedhis ýcandidacy for del-. egate to the Republican national convention from the lO0th -con- gressional district. Rie has been endorsed as one of the two har- mony 'siate delegates to the national conventionnextst um- mer and his candidacy is being actively sponsored by large groups of Republican votera in each of the ward and township orgqarnzations of the lOth district. Bucekskin Drivïngý Gloves $3.50 -Valùes to $4.95: Girls' Wool.Lined Kid Gloves and -Reduced for Clearane SCARFS. Wool Squares, Silk Ascots. REDUCED TO CLEAR. Values to $1.95 Open Satuirdays '+il 7 p.m. .75e &lYve shp