Ickets Avallable at Deer Tickets may be obtalned at the club building at ýthe openlng session, Ms. Matot has announced. Mrs. McLean is one of the Most widely known directors of, home economics in America. She is. the Seric,', astandard text i many oleeclassrooms, which she wrote whie Se wsprotessor of homne ecôonies at Iowa State- college. Later she wrote "ýGood Manners,» ,a textbook for Junior high school boys and girls.: Before taklng charge, of the Martha *Logan test kitchen for Swift and company, she, was direc- tor of home economics for the So)utb- ern Rîce Industry. Her work with. Swift includes suggesting new -prod- ucts and bettei, ways o! using and pub.ieiin« â-*aefoods. One of ler principal jobs is to bring the house- wite's vlewpolnt to the meat packing business. Purdue Graduate Miss fleasor, a graduate o! Pur- due unlversity, is widely lcnown for her work as manager of cooking schools and for ber appearances on radio programns throughout the coun- try. She ass$sts Mrs. McLean in the1 developrnent of recipes for products and infôrmational material for la-1 bels, packages, and wrappers. She also assists wlth the preparation of food articles and photographs whiçb appear weekly on the food pages of more than 125 of the. leading daily newspapers of the nation, and co- operates with schools in the dlssemn- ination o! results o! Martha Logant research. Mrs. Rozier D. Qilar is chairmana o! the ways and means committee. Italian Club Told of Padua Art and History h R. A. Sullivan In the, chapel of the Marywood school in Evanston on Saturday morning, February 3, Miss Anne Marie Casey,, daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. John Joseph Casey of Chicago, will become the bride of, Richard Ar- thur Sullivan, son o!. Mr. . and Mrs. Thomas E.. Sullivan of 336 Gregory avenue, Wilmette. The, Rt. Rev.' Msgr.* Joseph A. Breslin of White Plains, N. Y., uncle. o! the -bride, is corning from the East to marry his' niece, and will officiate at a ceremony at il o'clock in the chapel. Following there wil be a wedding breakfast in the baîl-. ro om o! the Drake hotel. Miss Rosalie Casey.who is a senior* at Barat college in Lake Forest will be hier sister's rnaid of honor, and Miss Margaret Emrnert, a student at Sacred Heart academy in Chicago, will be a bridesmaid. The bride also attended Bar~at coll1qe, andt Mr. Sul- livan is an alumnus of Lake Forest college. Thomas E. Sullivan, Jr., is to be his brother's best man, and usher- ing wiil be Raymond Sullivan o! Boulder, Colo., Clarence Kavanaugh o! Wilmette, and Nicholas Johnson of Chicago. After a wedding trip to Palm Beach, Dla., the young couple wil make their home in Kenosha wherer hie is employed. CIu*#ksn Science Churches "Sacrament" was the subject of the lesson-sermon ini aU Churches of Christ, Scientlst, on Sunday, Janu- ary 14. ,The golden text was, "I arn the Lord that bringeth you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: ye shall therefore be holy, for I arn Iioly" (Leviticus il: 45)., first prodi re's newly the North Guild the- atre. Opening 'Thursdlay, January2, th is ýstory of an Irish lad who makes Don Brockefl murder a hobby, will be presente'd in the Gtiild Theatre's new play- house at 616 Church street, Evans- ton, for tbree weeiks. Though "Night Must Pall» was ac- claimed, it was. also gneatly eriti- cized when first produced. To think that a chanacter such as Dan, the heno, could exist was consjdered ni- diculous. Emlyn Williams, the author, fa- mous as well on the English stage and screen, played the title noiein the London presentation. of the play. Hie was recenly seen on the sereen with Charles Laughton in "«Jamaica ce and con- Opening céeremhonies ihe inspec-. tion wilL inélude piping *the offleers aàboard, a formalgre eting awarded officers upon boardingor leaving a ship. Memnbers o! the ranks will, be scrutinizèd -f o r insignia,. posture. condition:of spotless white uni!orms., navy-blue neckerchiefs, and' glearn- ing black shoes. The offIcers wil be piped ashore,. and coflors. will be lowered, ending the, inspection.. Combine £vents The training of! cnew memnbers by the shjp's officers is continuing on schedule. Bud Streed is coaching a sizable gnoup on1 marlinspike sea. manshlp. which dealS With knots and splices used in connection with Our prograam. These Sea Scouts, Hayward Becker, John Daugherty, Lew Taylor, Phil Cornes, Don Max- well, John Stephenson, andi Steve 1Walker, wilI have mastered a large part of the Sea Scout curricula upon completion of this phase. Carter liadley and Andy Mueller are learn- ing the parts o! boats, under. Tori Gaties, a, rid .their knowledge, will soon be tested.