Silverthatch Inn POMPAN~O BEACH FLORIDA Dirl,, 0onthe <>caa,,prIvate be&ch. ust morth e1 t. Lauder- dteRestlcted area. Distinedve wrie or W'fre tor Rate. FORT LAUDERDAL£I A tmaropclwonder land where mm mer spends the wlnter, Gulf atream ibhi»g and te. relax 'th toF lie Club to Jreturn flight was interrùpted by un-Ic: D iaVonaméwnthër etndttldns hi i- 1 ivzIerlay IuVIUtII ous southern localities. _______________The Draniatic club at the National Côllege of Education will present the Hold Important Posta humorous play by Howard Reed, "Who Won the Revolution" at a col- On Purpie Parrot Staf lege assembly Tuesday afternoon, taff January 23, at 2 o'clock. Wilmette and Kenilworth students The play recounts the difficulties are staff memrbers of the Purpie encountered by the committees oft Parrot, monthly magazine -.of cam- two rival historical 'clubs who are pus life at Northwestern university. trying to prove that their club bas, ager. 7%e two groups are coordin. àted by a gerieral manager. Miss Mary Barrett, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barrett, 615 Essex road, Kenilworth, is promo- tion manager of the magazine. She is a junior in the college of liberal arts, and 'is a member of Gamma. Phi Beta, social sorority. _Gordon Fairman, son of Mr. and jvas 4*40- m . nDara. ....... .~Moselle Alson Bessi he ssisant) Roxana Cooper Rhoda (Leader of one faction> ........ .~Mary Louise McFarland Leona' (foll*owe r* cf Rhoda's) ....... .Ber ..a......... yon gr).arga eil .et fi y ggr)....VBbrgna Eenic Angle (Rhoda,'s rival)..Patricia Burke Zella (follower of Angie's) . .Phyls Shalla Miss Nusbaum (eccentrlc German womnan) .... .Genevleve Strunk Suzan McKay, 1514 Davis street, Evanston, is president of the Dra- matie club. in -the .South.l LEAVE FOR WEST_ Mr. and Mrs. Morris Krupnick-, 220 Central Park avenue, left Tuesday for Los Angles, Calif. Tbey have gone to the West:coast because of Mr. Krupnick's poor bealth and will remain for an indefinite perioci. Their son, Leon4rd, is. moving into Chicagot arn fhi.-.inbjna ih, Committees and committee heads for the event were named by Peggy. Greslt of Omaha, Nebraska, and Ken Setterdahi of Rock.Islanid, Illinois, co-chairmen of the dance. The Junior pÉrm at Northwestern university is, sponsored by the junior class and is usually the -first of the tlass-formnai dances. It is hield où a. Friday. night, followed, by a post- prom dance' on Saturday. and, post- proin dinners in the sorority bouse 1s on Sunday. Pirst semester exams will have been completed by the students on Februairy 7. Miss ]kendrick, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Carroll Kendrlck of -1303* Scott ave- nue,. Winnetka. is enirolled as a junior in the college of liberal.arts. Miss Wiltberger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wiltberger of 515 Abbotts- ford road, Kenilworth, is enrolled as a junior in the college of liberal arts. Miss Kavanagh, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. K. Kavanagh of .39 Mapl avenue,. -Wlmette, is .aroiled as a sophoniore ini the college of liberal arts. Miss Peterhans of 611 Eighth street, the dauRhter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peterhans, is enrolled as a junior in the collège of liberal arts. Broad. sonl of Mrs. C. A. Broad of 436 Tentb street, Wilmette, is enrolled as a Junior in the school of engineering. Miss Fisher. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Fisher of 1637 Spencer avenue. Wilmette, is enrolled as a sophomore in the colleee of liberal arts. Miss Stover. daughter of Mrs. 1. K. Stover of 1044 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, is enrolled as a sophojnore mn the college of liberal arts. Margaret Julia., Franees Jane, an-d Cathryn Adele, arrdved homne Mon- rlay from. a motor trip to Miami Beach, Fia. Te spent three weeks cos; or Frank lavacek O eft) àud Norman. F. Scot t, Wilmette business men, took a literai fluer at deep sea flshfng in the Atlantic waters ýoff Fort Lauderdale shortly after the holidavs with the commendable resuit depicted above.