Next Wednesday Dr. Jerome Head and Clifton UtI.y on Morning Program; Makine Stet>on, Aflirnoon Enferfaîner Two, Chicago men, experts in, their *respective, fieldis, will give. the- morning's program. atthe Woman's Club of! Wilmette, on Wednesdayr, January2. In the alternoon Max- Sie Stetson, well. known dramnatie reader, , wIll review current New York play3s. How to prevent tuberculosis, to- day's ýleading cause of death be- tween the ages of 15 and,45, will 1be bis subject when Dr. Jerome R. Head, mediliceal1 director of the Edward sanitorium, speaks before the club next Wedinesday morning at 10:45 o'clock. Dr. Head, a well known tube rculosis surgeon, is alsa the assistant professor of surgery at Nortwesternledischool, on sultant ini diseases o! the chest for' Edward Hines bospital, and attend- lng surgeon at Cook County hospital. The prograrn, presented under the auspices of the Tuberculosis Insti- tute of Chicago and Cook Countvr and its local affiliate, the Wilmette Health center, will conclude with a sound film, "Oh the Firing Lhe-' which illustrates the natjon-wide tu- berculosis prevention program. Mrs. tures on current ..worid affairs. iN graduate o! the University o! Chi- cago ini 1926, Cliton Utley.also pur- sued studies at the National Univer- sity of Mexico, Mexico City; The. Ulniversity o! Munich, Munich, Ger- many; Tbe University o! Algiers, Algeria, Africa; and thée'University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. He was engaged in newsnanèr wn'k. in in a.T*ne xton Pan -M»r. ~ZJeromeSR. Had are thIDof the spekrs to appear at the Woman's Club of Wimette next Wednesday. In the morning at 10:45 o'cloek, Dr. Hlead, uweU known tuberculosis surge on, tDil talk. on the prevention of tuberculos-i. Miss Stetson, talented young dramatic artiat, will diacuss the moat popular plaia on Broadway, and wufl give a reading from "The Man Who Came to Dinner." HoIy Comforf.r Church Congregational Guild inig for the ýelection of Senior and Junior wardens, and vestrymen. Mfter the, meeting, a motion pic- ture wiil be sbown of "South to Rio," witb Lowell Thomas as Narrator. Anyone wbo bas not made reser- vations by Friday may do so by callmng the rector, the Rev. Leland H. Danfortb, until noon, Saturday,. when reservations, must-be closed. At Catholic Club To Se. Mexico, With Ifs Mixture of Cultures, Exotic Lif., and PolifiéaI Philosophies, in Coôlor For the next, regular meeting o! The Womnan's Catholie. Club o! Wil-. mette, Friday, ýJanuary .26, at 2 o' clock- at the Wonian's Club o! Wil-, mnette,,Mrs. Thomnas'P. Gibbons bas. chosen a travel lecture. She.bas:been fortunate to secure the, services o!. Doran Meredith.- His: subject wil be "South of the Border." Mr. Mere- dithb is well. versed in the art, of 'gi- ing a lecture.,on tbis most fascina,-. ing. country. He bas spent nine. months i traveling and preparing the, material -for bis talk. His- lec tures are ail illustrated with natural color photograpbs. As an artist and an architect, Mr. Mere- ,ditlh, as had the happy facui4ty of coxnposing bis. pictures i a most novel and interesting manner. Each one is unposed and is a true repre- sentation o! some. phase o! Mexicani if e. Wben be went to Mexico, it was witb an armful o! letters to many persons of prominence tbere. He spent mucb time at one of the larg- est haciendas and later settled in a small Mexican village wbere be took a bouse and lived the life of the cmm- Liona enurn torrow .vriday> cal pnîîosoPny. afternoon at the churcb. lus talk is The lecture will také us~ to t he. scbeduled for 2:30 and anyone ini- gay Cosmopolitan capital. We will terested is invited to corne. visit the Pyramids at Tectibucan, The program for the afternoon, tbe floating gardens at Xochimilco, whicb follows the monthly luncheon promninent archeological, ruins. We, of the guild, also includes a discus- wilî travel over the mounitains to the sion preceding Mr. Hlavacek's ad- Valley o! Chalula with its 3é5 mag- dress, by tbe niembers on "War Is- nificent churches to the Lake region sues Confronting the Churches," led of the West wbere primitive figber by Mrs. Gale 'Brooks. ohcpytes buwae stf Th, ok l tesk blewaes nth- nent is at' atry, it Fet to aIl. bric -P.W. ed The reS 125. .The vi e essert itions are limnit- les *Will be re-