For Junior School The card party, sponsored each year by the Evanston Friends of the Chicago, Junior school, is an event which the many friends of the uchool anticipate with a greait deal of pleasure. Mrs. George H. ýSinipson of Win- netka, ways and means chairrn, ïs planning this year's major benefit activity.,and it wiil be a Valentine party, Fniday afternoon, ]FebrUary 9, at twenty-one différent homes.on the North Shore and iiChicago. A salad luncheon will be served at 1, o'clock, followed by contract, auc- toChins checkers, oran other game anyone may prefer.,There wil be a rbeautifùl, and useful iprize for each table.,'as well as othet, pÉizes, for each home where a party is be- ipg held. Mrs. K. G. Baur is in charge of table, przes .and rs., J.. RAllen has charge of the others. Games will be arranged for those who do not wîsh tô make their own tables. Mrs. J. P. Grimes of Evanston is chairman of the ticket committee' and she is asslsted by the following members, Mrs. Orlando Noble, Mrs. G. H. Cross, Mrs. Wilson S. Dellett, Mrs. Leigh W. Bowles and Mrs. J. IL Allen of Evaniston Mrs. Georgee Mrs. Elmer L. Gates of Chicago,, chairman of the social committee, is planning the refreshments for the party, with the help o! her com- mittee: Mrs. A. U. Harper, Miss An- na Larson, Mrs. Walter Mehrlich, Mrs. Edward Nettleton, Mrs. J. H,' Allen, Mrs. Harley Clark, Mrs. K. G. Baur and Mrs. 0. Y. Schnering of Evanston: Mrs. David Patterson, Dellaven Photo Mrs. Walter W. Koibe of WiU- mette, as president of-th.e North Shore alliance of Delta Delta Delta, is working with the gen- eral chairman to complete ar-' rangements for the buffet sup- per and games the alliance ta having for. Âts membera and theïr escorta Saturday night of this week at the Chapter house in Evanston. Mrs. Louis A. Suekoif of Wilmette opened her home> on Wednesday, January 10, for a tea for 'the Ort or- ganization which is traininig in ini- dustryr and agriculture for self-sup- porting existence ini Europe. She'en- tertained about one-hundred guests. sTo Award Prîzos Ridge avenue, Chicago. Mrs. Brenner is the sewingchair-' man of the group and it iW an-. nounced this week that Mrs., Percy W. Langtry has beenL appointed co- chairmnan to assist her Mrs.A Ray' Flndley, p rojects chaïiman, held. -a_-committee fmeet- ing at, herý home, 515 Brier street, Kenilwoôrth, Iàast.:WedesdaY atý which there 'Were discussed manyî additional 1details .,regardlng thé, benefIt card party, fashion show., and ,book review which the Friends o! Lake-Bluf orphanage will spon- sor March 6, at the. Evanston Coun- try club. _The meeting was attenided by the vanrious chairmen and co- chairmen assisting Mrs. Findley. B-ufflf Supper Is for Tri Deltas ndEscorts T'he North Shore Delta Delta Delta alliance wil have a buffet supper and games Saturday, January 20, at 7 o'clock, at the Chapter house at Northwestern iuniversity for mem- bers and their escorts. Tuts of* Winnetica; Mrs. .irreaenicic Boyd of. Kenllworth; and Mrs. Clif- ford Makelin and Mrs. David Welch of Highland Park. The president of the Alliance, Mrs. Walter W * Koîbe of Wilmette, and' Mrs. L. Deane Hall of Evanston,' program chairnian, are working with Mrs. Rossiter. Point of Program In. the home of Mrs. George E. Siebel, 200 Oxford road, Kenilworth, the North Shore Alumnae ofPI Beta Pi will7 gather for a program.tea, January 19, at 2 o'clock.. The highlight of the, afternoon willý be a talk, ."Pi Phi Nati onal ýAcieëvei- ,ments'and Distinguished Memibers," presented. by Mrs, John N.,I Van der Vries (Kansas Alpha and New, York Beta) of Winnetka. Some of the out-- standing Pi Phis to be mentioneïd are Carnie..Chapman'Catt, who is a weli lwown woman suffràgist;. Flor- ence Finchelly, known as:the dean of neWspaper women who was on, the staff of the New -York Times for twety-iveyears, whô passed away a few weeks ago ýat'which time she had just- completed. her 'new book, "The Flowing Stream"; Mrs. Calvin Coolidge, wife of the late President >Coolidge, and, Dr. -.ladys Di.k of Evanston wbo is a well known a u- thority on child medicine who with her husband discovered the serumn for scarlet fever. Miss Rita Pool of Evanston who has been acting as. president of the.ý group for thé past year and one haif, has had her office turned over to Mrs. Fred Ray of Evanston, the vice-president, because of her mar- niage to William Cornish of 1M'eAes- ter, -Ojla., where she will now be comiuee and assisting ner WIU Dbe Mrs.- Harry Daniels, Mrs. Frank Dereby, Mrs. Hudson Daugherty, Mrs. Don Malin, Mrs. C. M. Martin- and Mrs. George Richmnond of Evanston; Mrs. Harold B. Taylor of Wilmette.. and Mrs. Carl Kelly. of Winnetka. Alumnae' lira. George Lrwick.,avenue l. il in b for the' monts wiJ1 be schoo. and the review.. De a: 3 o'cioCk. netka. 'heta etive 38 ree,