Crippled CIildreni The Martha Washington Home for Dependent Crippled Children will be the, beneficiary, of philanthropy sew- worth to present the review, of the season. or Kenil- cond book~ ing at the Woman's -Club of Wil Mrs Garten has.-noô bcoea mette Friday of this week. . old and well-lovedfredoth Thisbomne is.located at 4449 Michi- Neighbors and the season would flot gan 'avenue, Chicago, and was es- be complete without, another one of tablishedi Mayý, 1926-, by the Mar- her delightful interpretations. tha Washigton club.* There is room, To ý radio audiences, universit forthity-inechldrn, ut y hv-groups,. and' womnen's clubs through- mng a caiefufly planned program.of out the. Middle West, Kathryn Tur- long and short periods of care, as ney Garten. is well kniown. Her dra- many as, seventy-two have been ta- matic* abiity, added to her persona1 ken. care of in one year. charm and'intelligent interpretations Having no endowment fund, t h e make ber. a favorite among- book home is supported entirely by volun- reviewers and it's expected that the tary subseriptions. Kenilworth club :wjll be.filed to- It endeavors to give* dependent capacity with the Neighbors and crippled children of normal, mmid he.terguss opportunity for educational and vo- For her program Tuesday, Mrs. cational training, that they may be Garten will, review "The .Young self supporting later in lufe. Melbourne," by David Cecil. All rnoe11nicai à1ppllces, such as braces, crutches, wheel chairs, orthopedic shoes, i fact, everything known to modern science, is pro- vlded gratis. Ail medicai, dental, and hopsital care is given under the direction and supervision of ortho- pedîc surgeons operating in t h e Children's clinics of ail leading hos- pitals. The Home is non-setarian istitution where 'class, and every day." sa thre and an creed ,cus Ail the 35 children, ranging i age from 3 to 16, were sent to the home by orthopedic clinics in hospitais throughout the city. Ail are depend- ent cases and reside ini the institution while they are being treated by the doctors. Through the transplanting of bones and muscles. the massages. Mrs. Oswald M~aland, chairman of the department of literature has ar- ranged the season's book reviews, Supper'Meeting for N.S. Holyoke Club The North Shore group of the Chi- cago Mount Holyoke club wiil hold tzenoe 4 ti ourt business meeting wiIl be held and then the members. will assist Mme. Wmnship with prepa- rations for the new club directô,ry of Which she is in charge. To Hear Drama Review 1The Northwest circee f the First Congregational church will meet Fri- Junor school wvUl ewtertain the membe rhip at a lunchecm cand membersip meeting January 22, at 1 o'clock, at the home of Mri. Joseph G. Porter, 333 Cum- floT roard, Kenilworth. Seiving will be done for the school. Mrs. Porter is to receive reiiervations at her home. Mvii. N. Chase FUint, pictured above, iii presi- dent of the North Shore Friends. De tzivGflby AIumflfe ' Mrs. B. J. Miller (Harriet Zim~- merman of t he class of, 1935 at Smith college) will be the speaker, for the meeting 'of the - Evanston- North Shore Smith College 'club,' Wednesday, January 24, at the home of Mrs. John J. Louis, 2703 Eucid Park place, Evanston. Assisting hostesses are Mrs. Har- old D. Fish of Evanston, Mrs. Fran- WilI Frolic at Travers Bail The first benefit given by the. re- cently formed Woman's board of the' Travelers'. Aid. society is, suitabi y enough, a Globe Trotters' bail, 'and, is to be given ln, the Goid Coast room of theDrake hotel Friday eve- ning, February, 2, Pinkile Tomlin-7 sonls. orchestra providing the. music. Mrs.. Richard D. VanderWarker n Chicago, chairman oftheboard, andi Miss Francijean Sheridan of High- land Park are. co-chairmen of, the party. Mrs. Harry Vested of Ch!- <cago is taking charge of. the, ticket office established in. room M 10 Of the Drake. Returning soon from a Sun Valley va.cation, Mrs. Jeffrey ýR. Short, Jr., of Chicago, chairmani of invitations and mailing list, wiIl undoubtedly jbring ideas for the fashion show that is one of the stunts planned in con- nection with the Jenent. The . sho e will feàture .winter visitors' favorite haunts - Mexico, Cuba, Hawaii, Jamaica, and Sun Valley, and cos- tumes of thé natives, as .weII as things for the well..dressed visitor, will- be shown. Miss Gertrude Smith of Evariston and Miss Bettie Jean Seymour of Oak Park are co-cha jr- men of this feature. Miss Jane Stude, of Chicago is arranging three bars. tÔ be set up ini the Avenue of Palms -one with favorite Mexican drinks. another with beverages popular a4, Sun Valley, and the third an Ameri- cari bar, Mrs. Christopher Janus of Chica- go, the former Beatrice Short qf Winnetka, is chairman of reserva- tbons for. the party; Mrs. George Bates is arranging for prizes, and the publicity is being handled by Mrs. Edwin W. Sirris, Jr. Another project of theboard is a c series of radio programns for chul- 1dren, k n*o wn as "The Travel- 'Ing Tayiors- and presented at 9:45 each Saturday morning over WJJD. 'The cast includes Miss Dorothy Mc- ,Arthur of Libertyvilie, Miss Gert- rude Smith of Evoaiston,.Miss Fran- eljean Sheridan of Highland Park, and Mrs. H{erbert Kochs of Kenil- worth, who also is- cooperal4ng in promotÉig the Globe Trotters' ball. Club Mrs. Joseph B. Marshail, 1040 the St. Elmiwood avenue, was hostes 1 wilU be the me*nbers of her Tuesday Bridge at 2. club at luncheon in the San Pedrmo e. tea room this week.