woea ana neautiuuy lanciscaped grounds. Less than 1%ý miles to transp. and within easy wvalkig distance of Bannockburns weli-known grade school. The house is an Eng. one-owner-built and plànned with an eye for, comfort, charmi and livability. 4 master, bedrins., 3 with si. pcho. opening from them. 3%, bs., sei-v., quarters, sun and open pchs., gaine, rm., - in fact, jusit eeyhing Owner's investment is more than $60,000. 'Reduced, to seil immed., to $25.000! See SEARS REAL. ESTATE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 42 Green Bay Road Winn. 2900 147LTN37-ltc TRANSFERRED Sacrifice for quick sale recently completed, spacious 5 roomn rambling Colonial country borne., Lot 100x133. Solid brick hoûse, 45x30, -living room 22x16. Base- ment, garage. Fully nsulated, winter air conditioning. Located in Glen Oak Acres. 30 new home§ built here in 1939. Model now under construction. Wateh for futh~er alitïunceniénts, fletails at office on Lake Ave., east of Sunset Ridge Road, Glenview. MILLS & SONS 7610 West Grand Avenue Merrimac 6000 Elmwood Park 147LTN37.ltc. $13)500 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HC at this price, we have an unus fine buy for you to see A new Ge<i brick Colonial in a section of new ho A Winn< ýay roaa, winn Rogers P 147L' WHERE ELSE? CAN YOU FIND A 6 ROOM DUTCH Colonial house with 3 bedroomis and 2 baths for $9.500. This homne is b.- cated in a nice part of Hubbard Woods _and ocpe a site> that af- 460 WinnetkaA E. STULTS, Ine. Ave. Winnetka 1800 1147LTN37-ltc EARLY BIRD WINS.! WE SUGGSC ... FYU ARE IN. ter-estedqE!n buyinga moderate priced home. . . that you drive past 1635 Wal- nut St., Wlmette, and if, your interest is aroUsed , don't wait too long to cail us, for an appointment. Consider these features. Extra largeliving room Breakfast nook Ist floor lav. and toilet 3 .spiacious bedrooms Ou heat insulation Picket fenced yard Circumnstances require immediate sale, and any reasonable offer wîll be given consideration. SMlART. & GOLEE, 1ne. EXCLUSIVE'AGENTS 1564 Sherman Ave. Wilmette 2486 147LTN37-ltc 2035 Greenwood Wil mette New Owner Says Sel' at $11,900! A COMPACT BRICK COLONIAL WITH 4 bedrms. (2 small and 2 good size). 2 baths (1 bath roughed in and only' needs fixtures to complete it). Ma.y St occupancy if purchased before March lst.. Additionali nformation by çalling 'Mrs. Matthews BAIRD & WARNER in il CAPE C( 147LTN37-tp SCOL ONITAL 1 Cail Mr. Daiiy. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FRANKLIN REALTY 159Sherman Ave., Evans. Uni. 7777 147LTN37-ltc EAST WINNETKA An ideal location 1 blk. to park & bathingbeach, conven. to grade schiL ing. 0 w n e r- transferred. Price THE, BILLS REALTY, meIn. 510 Davis St. Gre. 1166 'Wil. 3740 147LTN37-ltc SPATKLING WHITE DUTCH COLONI- S al in Wilmette. Nr. trans., parochial and public schoïolÉ, 7 rms. and slpg. pch. Comp. lav. off one bedrm. , scrnd. sum- ,mer hse., under tail elms in lot 187 ft. deep., Ivory mioodwk. and pastel walls. Cozy' and pleasant home. 'Low taxes andà heat costs. Our best buy at $9,000. FHA lban of $7.200 already negotiated. Fuller & Piekard, Ine. Winnetka 3603 Wilmiette. 730 147LTN37-ltc THE BEST BUY in Glen Oak Acres-this new brick and. fraine 'Cape Cod, 6 moims, air cond. hit. Lvg. rm. 16x24, 2 cargar. 90' front-1« age. F.H.A.. paymnents $57.38 MO. $10.500. WILMETTE 2 new listings, just on the market, 5 roorns each, riear Howa-rd- and -St.. Jo. seph's schools. $3500 and $5250.t 1E.. S..WISDOM .k C0. Winn. 387 or eves. Winn. 1235 *or Wil. 2094 147LTN37-lte OWNER WANTS OFFER 6 BOOM HOME NEAR "Ly' GOOD CONDITION EXCEPT FOR DEC- ortn.Large living room 'with fire- place, Ige. glazed porch, 3 niee bed- rooms, 2 car gar. Shown by appointment only. CALL--MARTIN L. OLSON WILMETTE REALTY 5i3 Fourth St., (end- of -") Wil. .424 147LTN37-ltp ON A PaIVATE LANE Modern white washed brick. Per-' fect condition, .owner-built. On a lovely wooded, lot. lHeated sun room~, Opens off charzuung living room. 5 bedrooms, 3 batbs. Owner moving, arlxious to seil. Call Mrs. Fleming. BAIRD & WARNER 790 Elm St, Wmnnetka 2700 Bri. 1855 147LTN37-ltc TO CLOSE AN ESTATE' 2 STORY 7 RM. 2 -BATH BRICK HSE. at S25 Sylvan Rd., Glencoe. S STORIY HSE., 4 RMS. AND BATH, hieat. -Firepla-es in- li-ving r . master chamber. Fine appearing home. NORTH SHORE REALTY 523 Winnetka Ave. Wnnetka 81 147LTN37-lte Ideal. Georgian, Brick - JTILE ROOF, 3 BEDRMS., 2ýk TILE .baths; h.w. oil; B.&G., Systemn; 2 car att. gar.; Library; choice wooded lot. $15.000. Lîke new! HEINSEN REALTY, WINNETKA 254. 147LTN37ltc IN HUBBARD WOODS 5 bedrooms, 3',ý baths, large'wooded lot, convenient to schools and transporta. tion.'$11,500. .ODH, REALTY WINNETKA 115 147LTN37Itp IN LAKE FOREST. 6 room house with 3 porches, rec. r oom, 2-car gar. $750 down, balance at 41/2% over long term. HILL & STONE HIGHLAND PARK 147LTN37ltc 148 FOR. SA LE:ORt RENT-HloUgsS 7 ROOM HOUSE. 4 BDRMS., 1 BATH. H.W. oi ht., 2 car gar. 237 Wood Ct., Wilmette. Immediate pos. $55. Near, transp. Cail owner, Winnekta 3621. .14$LTN34-4tp 150 WANTED TO UUY-HOUSES WANTED IN WINNETKA OR GLENCOE 6-ROOM HOUSE, BUNGALOW- - OR VACANT LOT. on Green Bay or Glencoe roa.ds. Cail Winnetka, 1865. 150L37ltp 151 .FOR SALE-VACANT 10> 25 OR 35 ACRES 7 miles west of Winnetka LANDWEHR RD., NO. 0F WILLOW RD. Adjoins fine countrv homes, high land, $300 PER ACRE. also Other choice acreage in this territory at most reasonable prices obtainable. M 1ARTIN L OLSON, EXCLUSIVE AGT.. WILM1ETTE REALTY 513 Fourth St., (end of "L") Wil. 424 151LTN37ltp TWO ADJOINING ',' ACRE LOTS IN Dundee Acres subdivision. WiIl seîl to- gether or separately. For further infor- mation write, B-197, Box 60, Wilmette, Ili. 151L37-ltp DESIRABLE CORNER, 125 x 172.FT. in Wilmette, excellently located for immed. building. Can be divided for 3 homes. Priced at $50 ft. THE BILLS REALTY, Ine. 510 Davis St. Gre. 1166 Wil. 37401 ,tPirN3!-ltc w te.JU. 4tPi