~5I Use Your Cred.it!l loke odvontage of > present 10w .prices, Ask about our ,Easy.Payment Plan: IPublic Service StoresI Harry P. Hlarrison, president of .the Village cl Kenilwvorth, has been recommended for re-election by the, Citiseni' Adrvisor>p commt"itteeof the' vil hige. The commtittee also e»l- dorseil the entire Village board for re-election at a meeting held lsti weêk. > -Board Authorizes .Water Supply LUne At a meeting beld Wednesday of last week the Board of Local Iniprovements of the Village of Wilmette approved a public improvement consisting of the laying of a water supply line and sani- tary sewer.in Birchwood l.ane, f rom of Illinois. road, who at enjoy these conveniences. ýsent do.flot J2AVES FOR MEXICO, IMrs. AdQlph F. Kloess, 234 Green- leaf avenue, left on Wednesday of last week for -Mexico City to be gone; until early. March. While in Mexico sbe will also, visit Orizaba, Cordoba, aind Vera Cruz, and will return home reason it is designated as the preter- red participant in Community Chest funds. Fôrthe purpose of compa>rison, re- ports for Novtmber, December and Januarjy are given >below:v NOVEMibE E lest Numbet e«'familles recel.,ing relief.. 41 Number of grocery orders .......... 20 Numùber et fuel orders (elafi d oh), 12 Number of mnlk.orderu <qluarta dally> 8 Number given employmnent .......... 123 N4umber Thanksglving baskets..... 78 Number .p4iyicianscails ............ 6 Number nurslng cames-..........4 Number druggist orders ...... ....... a DECEJEE,1984 Number of familles receiving relief...83 Number of grocery eorderie..........48 Number of fuel orders ,(eal'arnd eh> 41 Number of gai and'electric bils . .. 1 Number given! employrnent...... 3 Number. mflk erders -(quarts dally).,13 Number Chrlâtmas baskets...... 6P Number iphysliIa.scalls........ tai or «r of or et er et er-of er ghv er of er of er. of r of er of for brace.......... 1 NUAIY, 193& iles receivîng relief,. 53 cery orders........... 62 1orders (ceai and 6i1) 61 and electric bills-.. 1 k ordem ........... emplcynient........... 40 Ulicians, calls..........4 tai cases ...4... pital cases 2 sexamined and glasses 1. sing cat'e.............. 1- eses repaired .........i1 es repaired, pairs.,.,-.10 ing in the most -lneral Rutufer the Conmmnity Chest campaign for funds, the work of the Welfare board among strictly local families should provide it, say Chest ofilcials. They add that rnany pledges which should have been in long ago are still being withheld, and voice an earnest, re- quest that there be no further délay. Funds are sorely neecled and mu.,t be 'provided f rom some source. That source, they afirni, shquld be our owil people. IUCK$r'-4..4..... Permanent Wave SpecIal (Shompoo sud Finoer Wave . included). DOUBLE BUCK$ Thu M-ay, Fradey, Sa«urday, MBtSRICHT. BEAUTY $SHOP 1167 Wim.tt.Avenu. PooWilm.tt. 4517