0»mlisstW e "mon thème nezt SUn- dýymoraàt mbrUM7 id. Thle muniie fer the il o'ciock worshlp %Wvi o SuDday morning viii be as Ouvan (10:45):'Anîdante" V Symphony) "JMidaxite" V ymphony> schalkowsky mi"m arie Briel 1iAtrot: 1 *ThIM .y Burden Upon the. Mitèm Voce Mendelssohn, Antêni- "L«o, aV l from IHeaven Su~tndng"..........Bortniansky Offertory, Solo: "Coine Unto Mo," CoOliel Oirgan Posltlude: rf......a" Reiff TMi.'Curch«scooli ee tsaich, Sunday, "qrnipt ait 9:80 -ociock. Thora' are. ciasbe*tor, .11 ages, fi-om the Nursery to The: BRigb Sehool Epvorth league vili mobet Sufiday evening at 5:30 o'ciock. Ail high sehool studentaý are Invi.ted. Theta Upsilon Mo bemotsa ehSunday evetin at 5:-30 o'ciocç. MIl young -*eo- pie above hib chool age are Urged to St.1 9:;15 a. m.-Flrat service. 9:80 a. m.--gunday achool and junior and interinediate Bible classes.. 10 a. m.--Senior Bible élas., Il a. m.--Second servie. 8 P. m.-Organ recital. Open hou»o, thus evenlng, .7 te il Conforenc of pantorsanad teachera of uorth-of-Chicago area, Wldu.y rorning and afternoon. Aduit confirmation-cdans, 1Monday, Coir .reiiearsa1, Mondlay, '7:45 P. m. -In next Sunday's service vo tiake up the atUdy of the. thlrtenth chapter of the Gospel of*St., John, 'the aubject b.- iig: "The Servant -of Servants."l We behold Jesus prforming the menial. tank of waahingeHCs disciples' feet. What would He teach us thereby? Corneand Tichi viii eet for rehexirsal Fri- day evenlflg at '7 :15 o'clock. Girl &,out Troop No. 5 wiii meet at the.church Saturday afternoon. This Ftliday, Februar 22, the. Adutlt Bible clama viiiave a aupper at thé chrciat630) o'ciock, served by ove men. After the supper the picturea. ofi the OberammIleragaU P tson Play .willl beîhown h . Our fena. are Invited to aee these pictures., Spoke NO. 5 *111, meet vith Mes. ILR. . He.nê«erson, 2710 Blackhâwk road, Tues- day at il :30'clock. for lunchen and sevlng ýgaMèi la toib n with the topic, b.e etd by John v, mînister Good Sanmrtmn" on Sunday morn- Svlce. The quar- nd Junior choira ring musical pro- .i.....iorodi .......Curran le Edvards e, ..Néidlinoeer rMénday, Fébruarw 25the. historie church combenorates Maint Matthias the. Apostie. There vIli b. a celebra- tion of the Iffoly Communion at8 a. !m Tomorrow, WamhlntO»n's Blrthdiay, seyerai men and boys of St. Augustine's parish viii attend a celebration of the Ho1lr Communion.at St. James' chxcii, Chicago, at 8 a. m. Tus7%l la the fourth aânnual Washington a Blrthday Corpôr ate Communion, iponsored by the =r: therhooid of St. Adrew ln cooperation wlth other Zme' ad boys' organisa- tiens of the Diocese -f Chicago. Im- medlately after tiie service, at which. Bléhop Stewart *11U be the ceieibrant, breakfast viilb. eervo4 at the 'laweon Y. M. C. A., North »earbbrn teo n Chîcag avene Bshop -Stewart vil deliver hie, annuai message to the men and boys of the dioese> after the break- fast., J. J. Walworth, 1531 Spencer ave- nueé, Teli Wiimette 816l l l charge of arrangements and -transportation for St. Augustine'a delegation. The young men and boys of the choir ý!vIlbethe sta f the irls ed to bo given In the parlah house, tonlgbt, (Thursday). The Aasociated GJuilde gave a very suceesaful Brdg party ln the Parish House laat Monay afternoon. A pleas- anit afternoon vas spent by ail who attendod, and a goodly sum vas rated for the Guild treasury.ý Wilrnette Baf.tist. v the book, [na." Or ,in Divisionthe the one viii meet: B.and v avenue thisfui -Mrs. Staver huîman Eakkood avrt: The1 u andMrs.foiloiy M& Ime) 19. V. Tubbs, With ~ Father, P. A. Barker, Postiud' îner. iM ý praenon il AZU WU.ERKI .u.u. i, we yflineau veue~u., iere wvua ce no rations-Be Macauley. "he dinner wili be served mornlng sevIng gatherlng this month. salvation, -by the N!ortiivest circie, of whlch Mme.- anwrte tmey John~son ln chairman. cJs' rrow, 'r aY evenlngi the Aduit teedof te cass f te JudaySchooi, C. Herbert The Fat Eud cîrcle wiii meet on Jones, presîdent, will hold a. Wasihing- viii b. as Monday, February 25, with bMrs. G. F. ton'a Blthday party at the homùe ofý 1Holberg's Johnstou, 220 Mapie avenue. Luncheon Capt. H. M.. PhuIps, 625 Bir street,, ý, Crowned wlll b. serýved at 12:30 o'ciock. Mmm. Kenilvortii. bLike as a Johnstou vii1 b. assisted by Mrs. U. F.- a, sololt ; Owen and Mrs. G. D. Upson. R1tglar services w111 b. heid on Sun- V'aengon avenue, ati o'clod. I o-:0a - i 507W Our neXt Church Night viii b. Wed- 11 a- rehearsal on Thursday at Tii., Sunday school viiimeta 9;5 There are classes for ciiirenetveen:45 reharsl o Thrsd.~rutthe ages Of the kindergarten and the rehearsal on Thursday at higii echool. VI#ltorm are velcome. on Sturay t 930 .,n, T7e Ienliortlî Young People'a Sun- reea on Saturd y at 8 ..dayMEveulpng club vili meet'lu the gulld reeasl nSauma- trom dat 6:80 P. Mf. A supper vil b. ilàhéamal1- on Saturday at ifOlloved byrthe r 4) <Moe hudaNemeoe, 14), i 'an