WrnMiatAL 0rncbIec&ek4 THURSDAY IPhillî' OAIl Cash" Purchoses o« F RIDAY tdILK MAGNESIA I isterine JnM 3 0aqk -SATURDAY SOc soce I IRADL Au ldem wfr for, qjildr.g,, 8-oS. si» - sp-is Ah ides! bulk tIMa- ýFVEKITNIE1MOMEV 0 n 17y standard tsted branide such as Taylor'&, or Becton-Dlckis0 are car- ried. Fully Iguaranteed, $1.50ermoineter. No b.tte timte t. buY one thau mow. Fully guarmitçed to give satiifactory service for a nmsber of y.ars, $151value. Specia C I CLEANSIWG TISSUK PERTQSSý III PHYSICIANS 49c. & 1.19 Aun Windsor, SUI shees, select quality, sof test tissue makted.31 Box...... 3 - Qùu.ity suf as you winI Pay 39c a Pound eIs.where. Sp.- .on:.....29C lier, Pecans, Fancy, ib................ FEBRUARY 2,1935 , Cime .. . .. .... . 4 9 3 37