Fo~4 Mer~cL 3ewct 00 - 'SI Sro@k 19c coffos with a t.mpting tiavor o». Scot PUR.ý *Cane Sugor5 lIs. 2k BLUE J5WU *Mflk . Aj6c EDWARDS PUR* *PréeeIVes, JAR O 9UIÇK OR RÉGULAR nQuaker is 3 PKr-t- 2k ,LUE ROSE *R*sce .......W S IfICIUN *'Kenzr ..... k UAKER'S ,Cocoa.... lS oc CROSSE à ILACI(WL k *Asst. Jolies 15c ri;~ COýFFE.E'L.25 .,W. that Mis tauly wonderful coffee lu the finest et ony price. Trry if today. If 'You clon'f lik. if botter Mhan the coffo. you have been using. retum Me. uns.d portion &long with your cash register rc.Oipt end we wiII the purchas. price." Gardn Fresh FRUITS .& VUCETABLUS. LIBSYS SLICUD OR CRUSHED PINEAPPLE3% 25 PINEAPPLE JUICE: 3 '2Ls au e .e " AIC , A NO.R 'Z t CItRY PIE"CAMN1 oc ES: in u.vy 2 No. 2CANS ».d .3 C.ÂsI 5 entral Aveue n FEBRUARY 21P 93 I I