These bouts will mark the initial th~e northern at of the state jing ber sna~friy b assett I embr Alh etaPif appearance of these fine amateur corne to New vrier to battle fort t Rufs. I ternity. boxers in the suburban area, and there is keen anticipation of. an eve- ning packed with action and- tbrills 'such as* ofly amateurs can display. The heavy advance sale indicates that, competitive sport bas a very definite place in the life of the local district and, as a consequence, it is the plan of the club to sponsor simi-, lar events in the future. The Young Men's club was ôrgan- ized several. monthg ago by a small group of north shore men and nowY M1 includes representatives :from: every village in New Trier township, North- field township, and Niles township. Over one hundred men are now- ac- tively engaged in the affairs of the club, the Northfield and Niles units having been recently org-anized. The club will hold its weekly meet- ing Thursday evening, February 21, at t4h --émeo. Art J~Rolle, 440 Sunset road, Winnetka, and will be honored through having Gen. John V. linin, former boxing commis- sioner of the State of Illinois, speak on the -subject, uYouth and Its De- v'elpmet."The other speakers in- clude Spike. McAdams, welI known referee, and Sergeant Vance of the Wilmette police force, local boxing authority, and one of the officiai box- ing judges of this state, whose two son~s will. actively participate in a faniily bout onthe night of the fights. Fred Schmuidt of Wihsette andi Erv. Hintzpeter of Kenilwbrth, members of the executive - ommittee of the club, have been untiring in their ef- forts to arrange an excellent pro- gram that will be appreciated by ev- eryone attending the bouts. Tickets for the event may . be se- cured at the following locations: Ken- * ilworth-Sandy's Fountain: confec- tionery and Blann pharmacy; Wil- mette- Ridge Avenue 'pharmacy, Wolff-Griffis Hardware, Millen Hard- ware, Stephen Shinionek's service station, Terminal Hardware, Shorty's * (at Wilmette "L'" station) and Wil- mette confectionery; Nile ntr-- The 'rower. 7 ete-- SOJOU1RNING AT PALM 81ECH w i li o e u -e Mrs. Charles Engeharjlt,, Mrs. Bernard F. P'atterson, Mrs. Gale Meginniss and ,lier, son, Donaldi Pçterson, all of Wilmettle, rs A. C' ié4.p in ou wrol McWilliaffisof .Chir aa r ngten xiesil Mrs. Meginniss' , aughtet-in-law, Mrs.asyu re o anw syu Clayton Peterson of iEvanston imo- 4O ~ O~Y>~<S 0) < 4~ ~ 0 sy to ud 1tePalm I3each, Fla., recentlY r'faeyou Vac* onW41 had i t te spnd seeral eek. hey lft - o Fia., where she went with her moth, Li s L . er, who has remained to visit anethet'or 4ny teaepzhne empaoyee wua *ieapyp 1àOe y)our oQder. daughter. Mni. and Mrs. Robert 0. Law, Jr., 417 Warwick avenue, Kenilworth, ne- turned last Sunday from, Clearwate, àI L L I N 0e i 8 *M L L E L 18PLO - ;4 FIa. Mrs. Law was awaY for six weeks, but Mn. Law stayed nlfor three.