WiIl Aid Service Council for Girls The -Servioe Council- for Girls, of wbach Mrs. James A. Campbel of Evalston, f ornierly of Glencoe, is pre ident «Ill benefit f rom a Party to be beld in ' the Wedgwood room of Marshall Field and co*n- pnChicago, Monday, Febru- ary il LMdbcoeowillbeserved at - 2,30, an will'b.- folowed by a çard, part y, aM "tye ohow with nsusic throughout the The -SerSc council, of which'Judge MXary, Bartehne W 1nnoeSrv rcin diess adwuuuut iGey, Sand con- d the.ideâ ofa Bg Sister, ýwho i take <pte herself the. velfare of d these girls. From this moveni.nt the. Protestant Servioe Council Girls, whose offices are at 203 ha Wabash avenue. The. Juvenile Swelfare agencies. and, sometnfes. sKenulwonh, Mrs. A. C. x4 and Mrs. ut=~ te Mr. Collier ol 2, ite San Antonio, Lç the fo rmer Mathew Francis Ph'*>- hier of Mr. Miss Ruths Ani Wolter, uuece of nson of 372 Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Maumud of ler Hubnr arran iagor H u~. Schudhs, son of Mr.. and Mri. T. C. Schilts of Wimnetka, tere usarried Febrsuary 13, anud ore now al home in Hammond, md. to Darwin- P. Kingsley, -Jr., son of Mrs, D. P. Kingsley of New York. The wedding will -be at the home of her parents, and Miss Eckhart bas, chosen lier three sisters for her at- tendants: Mrs. Donald H. McLaugh- lin (Eleanor. Eckhart)' of Cambridge, Ma.Mur lira Tmm.R- D- 1Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mauland of 257 Woodlawn avenue, Hubbard Woods,- announce tihe niarriage of their niece, Ruth, Ann Wolter, to Theodore H. Schultz, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Schultz, 777 Foxdale avenue, Win-. netka, Wednesday, February 13.' Both yolang people graduated f rom WiIl Be Stubject'0f Garden Center Talk "Window Box- Gardens Throughout the Yea'*r" wiIl be theI subjeict of Monday's pro- grain at the North Shore Gar- den center headquarters in 'Win- netka Community House. The speaker i Mrs. Vernon W. Behel of the Lake Bluff Garden, club. Mrs. Alexander Reichmann of Barrington and* Mrs. Benja-' min Gage of Kenilworth will be the' librarians for the day. A, room ful of greatly interesteil listeners' heard. Mrs. Charles Poole of Skokie chapter .of the Glencoe Garden club read parts of Beverly Nichols' "Village in a Valley," giving ai veyomp3Tmv eve fti new book, at the center Monday of this wee'k. The presidents 'of the guilds of sevcral north shore churches had availed theinselves of a special invitation to hear this program. A display of three arrangements of spring flowers added greatly to the attractiveness of the room and of the, program. Mrs. C. Francis Pearce r., Mrs. Samuel Rothermel, and kirs. Amasa Cobb Bull had arranged the lavender stock, lilac qucen lavenderý stock, enperor daffodils, white rock, snapdragons' and pink ibis tulips; the third was a green prune juice bottle filled with pink cheviot maid snapdragons, lemon queen calend- ula, vugarus alba lilacs, William Copelanci tulips, and. giant Ebler's frecsia. as yet been set. Mr. and ner Kiday, February. 8,-at Sbhaw-nee e Fuller Country club ini celebration of their ra june respective birthdays. After - dinner h. flot they sent the reniainder of the evening at the Dubbs' homte. Elizabeth