Heare of Work at Skokie State Park Capt. Johni P. Crehïn deïcribe'l the work going o tSkki a goons State Park, at the meeting of the Sicokie Valley chapter, D.A.R. Monday, - ebrua"y 108, at the home. of Mes, Vinton E. Sisson, 429 Wal-1 nut street, Winnetka. After.bis talk, moving pictures .were shôwn of -the boys of Camp, Skokie. Valley,. at wo;rk 'and at Ièisure, and of the great park being made, in the, old Skokie marshes. Thé, chapter is to bahve a COPY of the talk for its:lending files. Copies of. The Review, "oôfficiail newspaper, of the l8th !District," pub- lished every second week g. t no. ex pense to the federal governmnent," were given to. the members. This eigbt page, interesting paper, bas Chaplain -Walter H. Ruth as. editor- in-thief and Brry W. Hoy- a ian- *aging editor. It is an excellent paper and is like a.cross section of life at the ,camp. MAinn the classes men- tionièd a 4.t edition of February 8, *are classes ini journalism, American irovenment. ,ulé aeakinoe. auto torials and its. quotations. One troim Gladstone reads: "In ail God's crea- tion there îs ne place appointed for the idle man." ,Captain Creham told cf fthe carefully prepared menus that are made out; of the variety cf vege- tables, meats, and fruits selected, and of the many different ways in whicb these are prepared, se that there is no- repitition, as there was in the Delegjate -ot irPhoto Ms':, W. Stanley Strong of Ev- a.ston, secretcory of. tise Norths Shore Alumnae association of Delta Gama, is on tise comjsttee arraisg- hsg the program of Dr. Max Thor- ck, eminent amatr* piotogral'her, ,sext Wedn-esday evening a tithe catrhouse- i Emiston. The Wilmette center of the Wom- an's auxiliary cf the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago. held its regular montbly meeting last Monday iin the lounge cf the Womas's club. Mrs. Knight Blanchard, the new presi- dent for the coming year, presided. Many items cf business were brousrbt before members, among TaIk and Exhibit 1w Dlr- MaxvThor4lc Miss Janet Benson, 212 Woodbine ~ w~*UW avenue, Wilmette, has been elected Delta Gamma Program delegate to the twenty-second na- tional convention of, Kappa_ Delta som n ude htgab sorority, -to be held in Juneé at the icsuisb DMa ho rek Huntinigton hotel in Pasadena. Sev- Ycs.t.isb -Di a hrk eral other members of Upsilon cbap- one of the outstanding amateur. ter. aré planning to accomplanhy Miss photogahes" this country Betnson, anid *ill meet with. the dele- wýill fr nehbta h et gates from the sixty-eigbt colkg Gmm huse inEvanston in chapters and one-bundred. alumnae associations., cennectien witb. a talk he is gi.v- Miss Benson is prominent along in hr Wdedy eeig dramatic lunes, being a member of the Februiary, 27. Shakespeare society andof the Be- H il pa to the North Shore loit'players., At present she is social Alumnae association of the sorority ,chairmnan- of- Kappa Delta and basàg on "Creative Camera Work as a held, several offices previous to this. Meanis of Artistic Expression." A Miss Alice .High' of Chicago 'and Chicago surgeon by profession, Dr. Miss Marybeth Chapin of 236 Laurel -Thorek has longmade an avocation .avenue, Wilmette, were elected first of photography and has won many and second alternates, respectively. coveted honors in the field. He is also a violini5t of distinction anpd is rated highly entertaining as a speaker. One of the pictures to be. exhibited Bon Voyage. Surprise is bis '.'Odalisque," a pbotograph awarded first prize in a field of 3000 Mrs. E. G. Walter recently was entries at an International salon at hostess to a group of friends at a the University of Hongkong. This surprise bon voyage party at ber prize is regarded as one of the high- home, 525 Forest avenue, ini henor of est honors in photograpby. Mr. Walter, who bas sailed on a Dr. Thorek is president of the Phe- tbree months' business trip to Europe. tograpbic Society of America, and is .He will include niost of the countries bonorary president of the Ft. Dear- there. born Camera club. He is Fellow of the British Royal Photographic so- ciety and,. f the Royal Photographie Society of Belgium. For many years CÏrcIe, Hostoss ho played with the Chicago Etusiness Men's orchestra an~d.bas won medals Mrs. Lester Mee, 1227 Chestîiut for bis musical acbievements. Hie now avenue, will catertain the North End bas'an exhibit of prints at the'Me- circle 'of the Wilmette Congrega- dinah Athletic club. tional cburcb for luncheon and sew- His lecture Wednesday evening is ing next Monday.- Mrs. D. C. Kemp given,' without. charge, for, Delta and Mrs. C. T. Sears will be co- :Gamminas and their escorts, at, 8 bostesses. . o'clock. Refreshments willbe served after- the program. The committee requests that mem- bers of the North Shore Alumnae as- ou~i ellà sociation of Delta Gamma~ make res- Smail wlio receptly gave a piano te the bo~ys in the camp for their rec- reation room. Ir~n Harri.J KJhnger oft Lissa, Ohio,soprano, iWi lbu t/se erit for a mnusicale at tire BItOno ýCountry club Sundyaftffmn m .4.' C. Dierks, and Mrs. W., Nevin Pomn- eroy. Sewing starts at 10 in the auerxing, 18 ifterruPted for luncheon and an informai talk by a speaker from the 0rgahization for which woïk ià be- ing. donc, then resumes in the after- noen te continue untiltabout 3:30.