Helen, 14, who is entering New TÉrii High scliool, and Cloyd, Jr., 10, wi becomes a pupil in St.. Franc Parochial. school. Another . daugbtc Marion, remains in -Milwaukee, wbei shê lias. a position on the -Milwaukq Journal. Hit Statite Sang The sélection of' Captein _mcGuil to head the Wîlmette police depar ment was Made by the Villageboai early in,,January, but a state statu requiring a r esidence 'of -une year the state asýa- qualification. for a pintnient as sutperintendent.of. poli made the appointment, impossible. E will therefore'açt as Assistant Villai Manager in, charge of police un eligibility- to 'the police appointmei lis established. Milwaiukee I'usi.we Captain McGuire had been a meil ber of 'the M iwatikee police fori for 22 years, and had become eligib to retirement on pension at the. tir of bis resignation. He had for son time been assigned as instructor charge of the training school of tl Milwaukee departiment. Before ta] ing up police work he had engagg in railroading and heavy constructi( * work, being a graduate enginec He completed a course in militai training at Camp Perry (Ohio)X ai *holds its proficiency certificate as< instructor in machine-gjin, gas-wa fare and personal combat procedur H e is a native of Milwaukee, as a also bis parents. ---i HUER TER I AUXILIARY (Amneriran Legion Unit 669) Wednesday eve ning, February 27, a card and. bunco party for the bene- fit of the service fund will be given The standing: ~I~k Per Cent BlockCivie Spirit 1300 Maple, avenue ............ 1,000 1500 S9pencer avenue ......... 1,000 1000 Mchigan avenue . .....1,000 400 Forest. avenue .......... 1,000 POO liomona road ......... .... 1;000 1100 Michigan avenue....... 1,0 900 Mchianavenue......,0 400 Elmwoodavenue ..1... 000 100 aeneca road ...........1,000 900 Seneca rmail..............000 1000 Senea roadl.............1,00 120 léocuot road... ......... 1,000 2600 Blackhawk road........ 1,000: 1000 Miainil road,.1............. 11000 1000 Cherokee mai.......,0 2400 Iroquois road............. 1,000 100 Lockerble road ........1,000 50 Linden avenue........«..1.00I 700 Harvard street ........... 1000 800 Siiteenth street . ......... 1,000 1400 Forest avenue........ . ..1,000 500 Seventh, street..... ...... 1000, 600 Slxth street............ .1000 800 Flfth street........... 1000- 700 Lake avenue.......... 1000 800 Greenwood avenue ........1iim 0 700 Linden avenue.......... 1,000 1100 Twentyr-IMrst street....1000 1100 Locust road.............. 10 00 900 Seminole road ...... ..... 1,000 1400 Maple avenue.......... 1000 1200 Lake avenue -,.. . 1,000 Ridire avenue business district 1,000 There is ôttWy oneway in~ which a block can reacb a place on the honor roll, and that is througb a pledge from every house in the block. The size of the pledge does not couit-it mnay be large or small-but there-must be some pledge fromn each bouse.- Christian Science Cizurches "Soul" was th e subi cct of the lesson- sermon. ii aIl Churches of Christ, Sci- entist, on Sunday, February 17. The golden text was, "Set your heart and your soul to seek the Lord your Ood" (.1 Chronicles 22:19). Among the citations which comprised the lesson-sermon was the following. f rom the Bible: "My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the, Lord; my heàrt and my flesh crietb, out for the living Cod. .. For the Lord Cod is a siun and shield: the. Lord will give grace and glory': no good tbing will be witbbeld from them that 'vwalk up- - 1 IrIn h- A 1 1 WAS Now $' Rdcdiiii froin $74 O50 A NEW, Low Priée New, Libermi Terns to inak washdays caser.: as Iow as VUc a week Te gr *ge, a @~& bjg&bprie# ik ubargu for a*Iias0sn id during a social hour. cold weather is ovVe. Mrs. C. P. flubbs, 1004 Michigan Mr. and Mrs. William W. Lâiil, 119 avenue, returned fron the Evafiston Abingidon avenue, Ienlworth, lfrt hospital last Monday afterundergo- for Califoruiàlast Tuesday and will, ing a major operation. She will be, sait froxu San Francisco on February. fülly recovered in about a month.. 23, for Honolulu. PUDLIC ýà . 1