Frocks that are right for the miss in. ber .tee ns. Here are the nrew spring styles :and, prints.ïn sizes IlI to 7 l'ru *p TIR' D6 o y.. s.p Weil? Tiry FoubItIe The Styles You Want The Quality "You Wànt HOUSE ,DRESSES F. k Belle -Sharmeer STOCK WCS Designed for the ;ndi- vidual. Beautiful. chiffon weaves. $100 1"9 Made eil+,er coat style or slUpover V-neck. Are you old-fashioned? We are -for we seli $150 for srnalls for mtediums, for tails, "Ait threec mer size 9%!f" Never wear stockings that do not fit your Ieg. as weil as your foot. -~ - I WILMTTBLIFE rrz IF.. Il- I~ Men esnd Boys. Wflni.t%.2655 I l'