of LAMB D.IIcI. lFavore. smaIJuL.mb Legs.: A gand Snday Dkrner. PER TASTY ONEESE "' 90*L NATIVE TENDER 3U0R 1 ROF road. The ceremnony was performÉed at 9:30 oclock in the morning before the immediate fainilies and a few close friends-, by Father Nippen, assistant pastor of the church.. The reception was held at the home of thei bride's par ents. The. bride 'wore a wedding dress of white satin, a tulle veil, and carri.ed white roses and Mies of the valley, Her cousin, Miss -Helen Krisamner,* the maid of honor, wore grFeen chiffon,1 while thebrdsid Miss Susie Schoden,: sister of the bridegroom, waS in a dress of yellow chiffon. Both attendants carried talisman roses and snapdragons. Clarice Wilson, a niece, ofthe 'bridegroom; was flower, girl. Victorý Fiegen of, Wilmette> and Frank Leidecker of Chicago.attenided the, bridegroom. Mr. and Mrs. Schoden are inaking the rne' at2648, .Glenview road, Wiltmette. WRITER -FEEDS .FAMILY,. >DE LUXE DINNER ON.L59.0 * * B~?F15 epeA E * *3~IPE *~~ 8.R 5 PER ü 1t Cloud i Rm . * * LU. MEURINO a~~ v L1c_ hard-to-get, ocean Rted rercn 1 -i All outi-f-ueon f oods! Ail pur- ehased on the 59e that jingléd f or- lornly in hi. ?-9ket only a few mo- - ment. bof rer Farm-fresh raspberries once ob- tainable only in July are youru every day in the year-with Bird. Ey e. Ocean Re 'ch, once impossible to buy in May, are yours today for only a few cents a pound-thanks to Birds Eye. Birds Eye Dinner 59c, NACH Sc A AY Fo0d Store, 401 LInden Ave. Pearson's Market, 813 Ridge Ave. Jewel Food Store, 1115'Central1 Ave. 1'iaae 3Market, 1113 Central Ave.' A. S. Van Deusen, 1154 Central1 Ave. à- P Food SIore, Kenilworth' J. W. 8eliloesser, & Ce., Tac., 402 Lindea Ave. j L -in M rm .- in' u-"'c I 1' L«:ý, ý)