.. -for 35ic Sweet. Fav.red ORANGESý For Juc 2 dez75C VSWEETI ClHERRIES -.R Delious, Lb. 35c Pride of Kentucky c to 38c) lb ENGLI SH AsSORTED BISCUITS Twelve, Engl4h styLe cookles,' ideai for aft- erlOn t , parti«,- 1441 Lb. Pk. Very S"l c 3a e Yo ad Tour Fomlly WIU 1Lik. NOUS! COFFEE 0 A coffee whosc popularity lias grown through three generationsi 0 Now acknowledged as the "AWorld's Finest Coffee." 0 Unsurpassed in goodness- the taste and flavor mernt your instant approval. 1 lM. glass jarI 3 lb. glass jar vacuru >acked s teel cult or beau HEINZ SOUPS ASSORTED': (Except: Consmme aod 2,, s271 Ir.nr gros. Specluls!I BUTERCOOKIES- « c.olcies in P4. S Jus t taste their buttery good- ness. Children like themn wlth a glass of mik when they corne I frorn school. Pyramid Sugar Wofers, lb.. ..29c "Pride of Doîry States"- z-j COOKED RATION DOC. FOOD I L~ r - - I. Orders placed Friday for Saturday delivery wiII be greatly appreoiated. Wim te 20 5 Famcy Ripe Piesi Large 1 . ii Il I