Be v ieweci by Niasons Aii advance showing of tuie fas- cinating movie travelog of Mexico land of historical enchatinent. xvill be shown to members of Wilmette Lodge, No. 913, A. F.. & A. M., 1010 Centrai avenue, Thu.rsdav eveing at American Lein ad cuc 8 o'clock. groups iii the north shore area ari The sceties were shot under the co-operating with th.e Northwe.stern direction of ýDon G. 'Robertsoet-. of Y.M., C. A. in endor§ing General Winnetka. itler's lecture appearance. 'The' movies afford, aniiiitiniate knoivledge of Mexico, it, 1ean Edward A. Zim er an people, which the averag!e traveler Pla Tor o Euope oul never obtain i]en six iiths' Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Zimiiner- Supplemnigtenos M - innof 219 Sixth, street, W\ilniiette, ico, Xalter H. Cixanib.-r %vil1li e an and their cdaihter.. Suzanne. are i tdded attraction. ARE WEEK END -SPECIALS AT A&,P.MARKETS GENUINE LIC 0F .IL. c MAAXWELL HOIJSE ONE LB. 26 CAN. 6 FANCY SOUT»HERtN 4 NEW.'POTATOIS A5 LB. <5 PECK 39 YUKON: CLUB8 GRANULATED -OR FLAKE B EVERAGES'CHIPS 424 OZ. LARGE -BOTTLES29 BOX 181~/2c> TOMA 3O 1 3-OZ. CAMPELL JUCE CNS9C oDOM4INO GAUAE SUCAR 5 éoB6/2 IdFou24AGLB. SunnyfieldFLurB. 79 q- B. 2 3-4-LB. C.: A. and Y;W. C. A. Due to General Butler's record of distinguished services *and his posi- tion in. the public life of .Amierica, it is feit that this meeting wvil1 be of general public interest in the north slhor.e .commnunity. FANCY NUMBER I STE WINC FANCY