ý-1v1m e ciatonswizuchcom- prisecithe Lesson-Sermon was the following from the Bible: "Know ye thatthe Lard he is God; it is heýthat hathmade us. and not we ,ourgelves:' r we are his people, and thé sheep of his pasture" (PsaIrns 100:3). The Lesson-Sermon also icue the. foIiowing. passages. from the Christian.. Science textbook, "Sci-, ence and Heath with Key to the Scripturesï" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Immortal man. was andis God's, image or idea, ,even the infinite ex- pression of, infinïte, Mid, and" im- mo rtal mnan is coexistent and coeter- nal with t hat Mmid. He lias been forever in the eternal Mind, God: but infinite Mmid çan neyer be in man, but :is reflected by ýman!" -(p. 336). C. D. Klotz, Native of' North Shore, Is. Dead Charles Dolese Klotz, a native of Wixinetka, passed away Iast Friday at his home ini Emporia. Va., after a short illness. FHe as 31 years of age. \Ir. Klotz, .who had spent most of hi1s 1life on the north shore, at- tènded the .Nortli Shore Country Day, school, the Mýorristowni school in New Jersey, and later. Harvard university. He is survived by his widow and. by P Mkea Tankful Test of eux or IJl ETHYL W* Quarante. Vou More Mloage aa eate SanIsaion Or V*ur WènaylWaok Make a Fuit Crankcase lN rc . Ir T i niA- tof Glncoe, atd .Nis JUiiaiU L j- \N i îîarns, ori iuenos, Aire>, Argeîitînia. Noted Flower Grower Passes Away at Home Mrs. Lillian Wrighitson, 1006 Lîindenl aveiiue,,Wilmette, passed away at lier home, Friday of last week, after a long illness. Christian Science funieral services Nevins, June Smyth, Barbara Bluhm,, Hla Ramiser,, Marcia -Norçtburg, Betty Bond, and Jack Bail, of Winnetka; Patsy Smith, Dorothy Krause, Gwen Fuchs, and, Carolyn. and Hermnan Stein, of Kenilworth;ý and Susan and S-$ally Lautmann, of Highlan /d Park. We invite you to opena charge accouint MOTO'R