»AT THE HUS I N 'EVANSTON,,» Tbree ImportantVleGvn ayPandt eward te Loyolfy of Our Regular Customers -To Makte Many New' Friends- To Prove Conclusively Our :50 Year Value Leaders hip ..A' Store-Wde Event for Men, Womeni Boys and G irls ..Read. Every Item Carefully.... Reardl .ss -of What You -Choose. We Assure You a Borgai.n .Y oâ WilI Long Reeber.. OPEN THURSDAY, AND SA'TURDAY EVENI»Ç' Men 's and Y6oung MEN'S SUITS Originafly Priced Much Higher MonyDearNofionalIy Known Labels, Here is the feature attraction of Our 3 Good Will Day&-des and voun« man whoin nnvAase naa re t th~ Jê to give every man H 1EN RYCeLYTToN &SO0N S Orrington and Chuéch. EVANSTON Open Tues., l'urs. and Sat. Eveninzgs 2 lusFree Parking-National Evanston Gar age-hernusn Avemsue Ale1 ear The Hub'a Stores, MAY 20, 1937.