Men's $15 #é $20 SPORT, COATrSý. Single or> double breasted - pote. and plainbck Flannls, c a s s ai m eor e s , cheviots, 1 0 g a bardrnesa , tweed&. Fir.. Oor> Regular Higler Priced Lines MEN"S.SHI-RTS. an.'d PAJAMAS $185 SHIRTS-From our higher prioed sto cks of wlhites and fancies. Broad- clotlis and madrases in collar-attached styles, preferred for spring and swnmer. Sizes 14 to 17 - whites in broken sizes and nôt every pattern in every- size. PAJAMAS-Coat and- middy styles in broadeloths, sateens. Uriusiual, to say the least>l. $izes A, B, C,'D._ rnadr ases and MENO.S HOSIERY, 69C 3 for $2 $1 VAL~UES! Lisles and silk nuxtures fendes, ribe, pastels. 10 to 12. MEN"S ROBES Sensationally Pr wced Men's SHIRTS or SHORT~ 69C *3 for $2 Ouar famous $1 shorts and gcnuine Swa rib shirts, reduced for 3 days olilyl HEN MRYcLYTTON&SN Orrungton and Chaurch, EVANSTON - Open Tues., Thurs. and Sat. Eventngse. 2'Hour, Free P<r"dn-Naton*2 Evanston Garage -S hetman Avenue .eyne« The H4b's SWoes WILbilTTB LUP Meus $5.95 and $6.95 SPORT SLACKS ad zipr modela n 48 plain oelos and amarpatters. Flan- n IecasAeCs MENOS$1.95 WASH SLACKS Sanjoriz-ed. Shrunk Mi woven patterns-no prints!1 Gleni Plaids, amail checks'. large checks, cordb, club checks.. Whites, tains, and greys Plain and pleated, styles. 'For, cool summer comfort, they're 6 El 1 ýq