JUBILE! ~VENT Preps' Regular $12, SPOR"T CiO:A Ts Plain blues, aI1 s o checks a -and plaida in liglit or dark shades. 32 to 38. $995 LYTON.HI tudents' Suits $1-6095- Values Here's your chance, fellow s, to get extra-special style and quality at an extra..special prioe! Your choice of plain or sport styles... plenty of Iight spring shades ." . . popular patterns! Rernember, it's just for three days, s corne in right away. Prep sizes 32 to 38. Boys' WO<OL SLACKS $3,"95 $4.95 VALUES! Checks, plaida. Pleated sport Style. Sizes 12- to 22. ýBoys' WasISLACKS $139 $1.95 VALUES! Patterns woven, not print- ed. Stripes, checks, plaids. 12 to 22. 68C ISC VALUES! Short-sleeve cotton knits-- Ilwanted atyles and colors. 8to18 ., -82 Womed&s ShOP--Saerman and Ch.& REDUCED1' and size at every. price. urch $1 'VALUES! Ideal for. play. Shorts witb no-buttoit elastic boite. 4 to 10. MAY .20, 1937 *NEW! ' * SAFARII" WASH SUITS Wi e$1 .95! 3 .Day Jntroductory Price Aneatcopy of the suit worn b Enghish explorera, even tO, the British regimnentâl atripe. embroidered over- the pock. et! Shantungý broadcloth in bine, wlnte, tan or grey.. Sizes68 4 to. 10. mgie! VausUp f.té .~ KKICKERSUliS Sport-bactk modela Àui. the new. light eshadea for spring! $ 95 Sizes 8 tç, 16.$ 7 i -qýl Ail Wifb Extra Tréusersi ,e4: 4yý Boys 1 ý. . not . J U B 1 L E E EV E N T WASH SHORTS