-- uers and otners WM1OThird Period are new campers. Scouts who are to1 Malcolm Hill, Warren H11l, Sprague go to camp should know what periodis ChapinSesPaic atrKon their troops are going and plan to Lincaln Lippincott. re .g ister a s soon as possible. Tom Stein, Julius Laegeler, Charles Fb.rt Peiod 1 Grung, Bob Maeser, Bihll arsnEd *Donald Vogt, MalcolM 1H11,sohnard ood .ppi Dean Tubbs,- Bob. Lindberg,- Vincent Biss, John1 Moser, Bilh'r Sittig, Eugene Sittig, Jini Barrie. CAMP.O.IREE jack Blackburn, Tomi Fischer,; Rob-- The Cabin-in- theý Woods wil he the etFisher, Dawes Walter, Har site.of *the ýSectional Camp-ORefo Pertz, Bobby. Souther,,Walter Kohn, the trooips ini Wilmette;, Kenilworth, Tom'Stein. Winnetka, Glencoe, and ýGlenviewT Charles. Piper, Norbron Emerick, and the ,tiue, this Saturday at 3 p. MI. Charles MI\CVy, .Jamnes Morrow, Paul ta Sunday at 8.:30 a. m., Schoedr, ih Lason Ji Nchôls, Aot 15, Patrols -froni the troop Lawrence Boinig. in, these comimunities wil cam Op o George, Wilson,: John Shafer, XVil- for the duration of. the Camp-O'-Ree liait Went.worth, Joe. Wentworthî and compete ini a number of field Bruce, Adanis, Bob Maeser, Christo- events in Sctoutcraft,. he.John Marshall , Robert Clarke. Ail of-'the activities of the patrols Idward 'Wood, Bryan Husted, John , will be juclged and thei .r packs, eup Erer. oh Sar, os Xillianis, ment, methods of cooking, catnpsite W allv Peerson. developrnenit and conduct willJb .Second Perio rated bY~ the judges' Vistors are weî- Malcohn Hil1, W'arren Hil1, Spragu<c corne ta attend, especially for the Chapin, Lincoln Lippincott,. John D. campfire in the evening at which .Masser, BilhI Sittig, Eugene Sittig. time the patrols wilput on stunts. Jim Barrie, Robert Fisher,- Dawes Walter, Bobby Souther. Walter Kohn. WEEK-END Tom Stein. Fourty-four men, representing rnost Warren Nichotas, Roy Wright, of the 13 districts of. the North Shore Douglas Wright. Richard Waugh, Area council, spent last week-end at James Morrom-, Kenneth Kuehl, James Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan;. arrivingi at Olendorf. camp Friday evening and coming Bill Larson, Jim Nichols, Dave home Sî,ndaIn the The roster of those on the trip i-t cluded the followinig Scout Leaders:. 1 Wilmette-H.4enry Fowler, Bill Ed-. monds, Jules Terrenova, George Bersch. Kenilworth-Bob Townley. Winnetka - Loren Massey, Johni Hlenrich. Glencoe-Harry Stannard. Northbrook-E. D. Landwehr. .Deerfield,-C. W. Rovle. Tohn 14U.... orner Commercial Branc Studio Building 1718 Sherman Avenue Wm~ If. CsJIow, Prin. mi. 3004 In The Ebanston. Women's Szo>. One of the major events in~ Our, SOth Year "Golden Jubi- e" Gelebr t ion, . nwhich we offer Season's Bee style. Vah.esl Goodw kW Sl FASRICS! FELTSI Just what you want fOr sumn- mer, just when you want it! Qunlity far above the price and styles that are advance in every line. Three days only at$3.0 cently elccted to the hulsbness COm-1 mette. Assisted by Frances Akely, *mitee of the State C.okýfrrence of violinist, piano selections were pre- Congregationa Cristiailt chirces., sentéd by George, and Ruth Gordon, Sally Withers, Phillip 'Urion, jean Mrs. John W, Nuzuni of 745 Mich- Reichmnann, Margaret Vesey, and igan -avenue entertained the members Virginia Biser. Mms. Gordon's piupils of ber bhidge club for lunctheoti and* were Martha, Towle, and Harriet, bridgein her'.home Friday afternoon. Huettel. TUHE HuIIB HENRY C. LYTTiON &- SONS Sh.a"d Church - RVAMSON Unî. 3W4 Wm. H. Cellow, Pria.