Tf His year, good things corne in eights -ý get into this be-llwetheér Buick and the other lfelow wilI1 knoW who'slead-off .man iyour neck 'of the Woods! You' re boss of the bunch when you ease in gas to theégreat-valve-in-head straight eight, ablest engie fits ue ayhr in the. world. It's soft of voice but it packs authority-there isn't auy fooling when itý has worlç to do! You're the envy of ail eyes, garbed in Butik' princely esy1è - hanching these ready controls is the softest job in the whoie wide worid. You stréam down the straightawiay-soar over the tailest hiiis-you sweep arouud the corners and curves. erect as a dowager 'Youcan't hurt it-it's .built rugged and stout as- Buick always ha, been-ýbut stili -we saY, handie with care!1 For so instant-, quick is îts li ft toy ýour toe-tôuch, so quiety easy will it outwing. the birdsd thiatyou nover have to, force rnake yq ur dis. tance safely with tirne to spaàre. This year say -Buick-and,,Whatever you say -on the "open road. will go with the whole parade. Its purchas e is as easily managéd as ite lmitvmwlight entroi-foti today. Buick is priced at the iowest figure i history. Your cue now is to uee us. D)o that without delay and you'l hold the cen. ter of the stage ali sumnrer long!1 * AMOUTE PISTONS * AIOIAT C4RuRO *Y F"SIfE BR4KM *KM-*Ac îONCOmmi owJs 1 161Sheridan Road lilimols .MAY 20, 1937 37 Illinois