Up/o/steq, Summer CONSULT WITH OUR ADVISORY BUREAU More -and more peopW iret aking.advantalge of our Advisory Bureau on Interior Decoration. Our competent ciecorators* wiIl assisi you in the furnishing cf a complets home, apart- ment, or even asingle room. There is no charge for this service. SPRING STEEL CHAIR fimished in orange, black or green, $4,95. POLDING.R'EFRESHMENT'.TABLE;. selection of colors, $2.50. SOFA-naturaI rat- tan and green wind- ings - covered in homespun .$575 ted with ,and frosË- bi, $1.750 VEETANBLINDS-Seletio.n 0of 14, col- ors, price includes complete instillment.. Per. square foot...... .. . 50c.ý Rush Rug-thick braided .12" squares-.natural colorý or na t- ural witFi green'r black. Square ff. 25t. 3) ..e A ,SM,