s a result of marks madel last 'mouth, it was announcel at tne higli school yesterday. The four~ boys are Theodore H. Buenger, .David Draper Dayton, John S.,Dunhili, ancf BenijamiiN4MacKinnon. Lý.t had previously been annpounced that William- Stebbins of lCenilworth had been accepted for Princeton be- cause of his higli scholastic, standing.. ITIOfplIEL -- Accreçited Junior College for girls. A rich cultural back- ground has set a high intellectual stand- ard for Monticello. However, thé aim is not oply the acquisition, of kuowledge, but the. ful developinent cf the idi. vidual. To this end the sehool offeérs thorough in-.,.. c1assrooRn, life ,4M in an atmo- Chicago dlumnne Represotive MU. HAROLD B. SIMONDS 1414 N.,Dearborn Street, Cicago. 111. By Woody WilfIofl Stili out ahead of the pack in the Suburban league .baseball race, New Trier enjoyed a day of rest on Tues- da.In spite of the fact that they generally fear Monda.y games, the Triermen had enougli pep to walk ail over the lads who represent 'Higb- land Park, 8 te '2, thus erasing, any doubt concerning . the comparative meritsof the two teams. t xiii be remenibered that. the.pre- vious encoutiter had been drenched midway, and part of the game playrd under weathier" conditions which inight have altered the final ôûtcome. EdBruhn, on the mo*und for the 1tals had thé, eager Highland Park batters wehi under control. Two hits was the nieager resuit of their efforts.- For that matter, NZew Trier was flot particularly -overpowering with -the stick. The, best they could do was- six- safeties. Lf that. had fot, been enough to win, it is likelyý that the game would have been. their by virtue of H4ighland- Park errors. Stetd for Thursday Waukegan was scheduled to mneet. the B elligere nt --Trierites at Phelps feld, Thursday. Three more league contests remain after this one. t wil be Morton on Friday-and there's, the rub. Morton is nobobdy's, set-up,' and they will be fighting for a share of the-titie which has been theirs withi ahnost monotonous regularity during years which they have been members of the Suburban circuit. inseoponets. 'Te oIiIy teamn which thus far boasts of a victory over the Grey and Green, tradition- alIy supposed to be "cousins" to any fair-to-middlin' squad, is Proviso. Frosh-Soph The fresliman-sopliomoré team 1 pre- pared for a group of three' games, after two weeks whichl were witliout .any competition of serious nature for most of them. Thie fray last- Satur- day developed into almost a waslinnt 120S Dév.m Ave. ur. Broadway H.flycour 0000 By Woody Wilsorn About 60 boys, an untisually, large nu-mber, signeil up for the annual ,Fr.anklin Merritt memorial, tennis tournanient at Ne w Trier high.: school recently. The. fine turn-out I was. ac- credited partially to the fact 'that Varsity tearn members have been ex-, cluded, froni Ah.ecompetition, and to an apparent increase of interest in Ln honor. of Frankîju, a former. New' Trier student whose: favorite sport was tennis, his parents present- ed a cup to the school. ýE ach year the boy Who, wins .this intra-class event is rewarded by having 'his namé en- graved on the cup. Bilh.,Wad.e received thedistiniction last season. jEdwa'rd.,KeIley Elected U. S. C. Trojan Knight Edward Kelley, 833 Chestnut ave- ~nue, Wilmnette, has- been elected to membership i Trojan Knights, up- perclass service organizationý at the University of Southern California, hf *was announced by Sid Smithlir ing president. ,.rtr One of the most active organiza- tions on the campus, Trojan Knights supervise the rooting section at ath- letic contests, .assist freshmen in reg- istering and becorning oriented to college. lie, enforce univeritv tradi- on sch'olarship, personality, and par- ticipation in all--university activities. The .group is limited to 30 active members cliosen from the junior and Senior class, witli approximately 15 new men named -to the organization. eacb year. This College May Queen Wrapped in Cellophane to Bi ~rmingnam, Mich., on accou the death of William C. Salis brother-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. anld Mr. and Mrs'. Salisbtiry. [ValtepÀ Haas of, Wiltet té, presi- di 1nt of the: sior class at Kalarna- zoo colle ge?, las becn aitarded' the, EllI Liily scholarslzip, in clîciistry at the University of Chicago.zlîere he will start work on bhis P h. D. degrýee siexi fail. Haas bas been an outstanding: student at Kalamazoo collejge' where heclias mnaintained a "'B plus" average. LHe las been a memiber of the College Gece club, lias participated in cross country, and ,during his freshmnan year was winner of the freshmian essay contest. He is a miember of the Philolexian Lyceuni soc iety, oie -of the three campus so- cieties for mnenat Kalamazoo, and lias held several offices in the society. Dur- ing bis sophoniore year lie represented his class in the student senate. 11aas is a graduate of New Trier Miss Helen ÇCondit, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H. S.. Condit, 614 Laurel avenue, Wilmette, was recently elect- ed corresponding secretary of Pi Alpha Chi, honorary music fraternity at Lake Forest college. The znusic fraternity is one of tlie most activeý honorary organizations on the-camp- us, presenting four or five musicales each season for students, faculty, aýnd friends of the college. This. year it is sponsoring a .n interfraternitv- cil' conribtio t Chicago's Charter Jubilee and will be hcld May 22728 at ;Orchiestra Hall. More than 1;000 non- professional folk, frcom more than, twenity states will participate. i *1' ý 1.