0. 4 a. If youi're the kind of person who "looks ahead,"' you'I instantly sec the advantages of this chance tosavemateria . I on blankets andcomÉforters for. next winter., We've made special arrangemients-with manufac. turers for three of the best values we've seen anywhere. These. 'price concessions wili flot be available in the fali. OnIy ordèe placed> this spring W-111 be obtainableé at these prices., KENWOOD SHADOW CHECK BLANKET 72x84' $9.95 A beautiful blanket,- thickly napped and closel y woven for all- .around wrt adeo slcte wools, and bound with 4-inch satin rîbbûo., Blue, orcbid, cedar, yellow, green; rose and peach coxn- bined witb'Wbite. LUXURIQIJS FIELDCREST BLANKET 72x84 $13.95ý The Fieldcrest is made of unusually soft, fine quai- ity wools. Its dense nap serves as insulation against extreme cold.ý The binding is exquisitely finisbed with 4-inch satin. Gold, blue, peach, lavender, winte.r rose, burgundy, royal blue and green. Filled w ith fluffy', fine wool which adds greatly to its comfortable warmth. The cover, superb quality taffeta, is stitcbed in a beautiful trapunto design, witb a monogram-to your order-in1 the center. Cut silze, 72X84 inches. Eggshell, wine, tearose, royal blue,. turquoise, brown, Antoinette blue,' sahara, wintce-r rose,.gréen, gold and many others. ONTHE MARSHALL FIELD',' D FLOOR - EVANSTO.mSTORE MAY. 200' 1937 43 I I