Seek Lilacs for Plant and Flower Guild, on May 25 Lilacs should Commence to bl0oom on the :north shore by Tuesday, May 25, the Chicago Plant, Flowerý and Fruit gÙild conjectures, and on that date- this organiza1t ion which brings so much cheer to. unfortunates in the citywill resume its-week- ly-summer collections of plants and flowers. Everyone on the north shore is asked -to contribute bouquets of any size.or description and to haive.them at the 'North Western railroad sra- tion by 9 o'clock Tuesday morning. Attendants will be on handto reccive the flowers (or, plants) and to btuch, and pack - them for. distribution in *Chicago's hospitals, community cen-ý ters, and other institutions. Collec-. tions will be rmade regularly on Ttic.;- days throughout -the summer., Although collections are hat'hcil;ýl by the various garden clubs on te north shore, the local comitt"es point out that the assistance not only of garden club menibers but ail resi- dents of the individual villagces 15 * solicited. The-Euild always has more gan izat ion. Local. commiittees under the chairmanship of Mrs. Marion. L. Miller of Wilmette, have leen ap- pointed for each village, and arc 's. follows: Mrs. J. C. Leaton, 722 Washington aven!ue; Evening Garden club of XVil-- met te, Mrs. John J. Milîs, 400 Park avenue. Kenilworth-Kenitworth Home and Garden club, Mrs. J. P. Oleson, 240 dicate. joe iRuiolph's Dance or- ~chestra will play, and, weather 'per- mitting, a swimming exhibition will be added diversion. The club, tiewly and attractively decorated, awaits an, opening p arty which it hopes, will be "%thelé argéetyet' Meet fo * .Phioto by' Durant Stu)dio -When this group of cotnmniuee ciairmen met Friday afternqoon atthMe home of Mrs. Chesser Campbell, 1212 Westmoor road, W'iùn;etka, to discuss plans for the fil th- annual danrce for Gads Hill settiiientl, it was decidcd (o make titis year's benefit' a Mexican fiesta. An importanit feature of the affair will be a strollingq-baiid of players, ail of (hemt boys of Mlexican pareatage zo have grow»n up under the Gads illi influence. Tihe group above Includes, front lef t to rigkt, Mrs. Maynard Cook, chairmian of Posters; Mrs. John 2A. Sti pliens, assistant chairinan of ticket rommittee; Mrs. Tont Hough~, chaIrmffii of Priz-es; Mrs.. &nrest C. Roessler, cà-chairina»<of entertaininet commiiittee7; and Ms Erwvin A; Meyèrs, pulicity chairmani. Thse Part y is to be. given Jilme 18,0ti Skokie Country club. Sunday Nigkt Supper IPre-Wedding Evenit Mrs. John Kirby of Evanston was hostess at a Sunday nliglit supper party this week in honor of Miss Kathryn Woodbridge, daughiter of INr. and Mrs. A. L.:Woocibridge, 1005 Asln d2i iaenue.. wo is to erome th for those who do not' have special parties. Dinner is at 7:30, dancing to music ,of Lew Diamond and his or- chestra, is from 9:.30 to 1. Shawnee CarnivaI Is. Gay Eveni for Children A Carnival is to be held at Shawnlee Country club at 2 :3)i oclock, on the afternoon of. Saturday, May 29, but onlly c.hitdren will be present for the event is. to b h He nextShan- Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Mcflerrnott of 843 Sheridan road, entertained a group of friends Saturday evening for buff et supper. Make Reservations for Infant- W elfare, Dinner Dance May 21 Reservationis comiflg in at the7 rate they are indicates to the comnmittee in charge of the din- ner dance the Kenilworth cen- ter of the Infant ,Welfar'e Sociel- ty of Chicago is sponsoring Fi-. day evening, May 21,' that.the entire Villa Moderne, where the benefit is to be held, W>ill he tak- en over by members of the cen- ter and their friends. Among north shore residents1 who have* made- dinner reservations are, Mr.ý and. Mrs. Minier Sargent, .M'Nr. and,Mrs. Charles Henry Gibson, and- Mr. and Mis, John Tittie, for a ,group of twenty-six; Mr. and Mrs.1 Gustav *Schwarz of Northbrook, a diriner for ten; Mr. and Mrs. John Browing9 o f Wilmette, eight; Mr.; and Mrs. -E. W. Burke of: Wilmnette, eighit; Dr. and Mrs. Charlcs Crowe of Gle1ivlew, six; Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Strong-, Jr.,> of Glenview, eight; Mr. anid M F. W. Walters -of Highlaiid P-trk, teni; Mr. anid Mrs. JohnmcDwl of Winnetka, six; Mr. and Nlrs. 1-. W. Powell of Keniilworthi, teiiV; \Ir. anld Mrs. C. K. Sanders of Kecniî- worth, twvelve;. Mr. 'anid Mrs. \V. P. Teniks of Glencoe, cighit;'\Mr. aid. Mrs. William W. Sirus of imiettà, si,teen. *Reservationis oni the niorthi shore are s tilt. beling taken byMr. ine Sargenit of 1519 Edgewoodj lanle, XViii. 11etka, and by Mirs. Gîista,, Scliîwaýrz of Thornwood lane, Nortîibrook. Miss Beffy Mulford Names Wedding Party Members of their wedding p Bridge Luncheon 1Mrs. Robert P. Warren of 24Q' Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, gave aà luncheon and, bridge party in' her home Tuesday afternoon. j