Carlos Photo MtssfDo ris Briggs, daughfro Mir. and Airs. IIarry 1). Br'igqs (Dorothy Bell Brigý,s, composer) 336, Sheridan road, Wilmcette, is a. nemnber of the Merreli tria, whcý'h, jïêtce its- organization titis uWter, has had mni,,rous club progra 1ms. Mfiss Brrgqs will be piano 4lQt5' the ileeting of the' latllMs;c clueb Aonda y ai ternookn. Thi- trio is aiso playing un this occasion, thec club's (aIIIIiil liict'-ivkiat tht' IInt'- stead. Sunset Ridge Di SunIset Ridge mer guests are Iooking fe ance nibers and their grward to Satur- seasonl. More than 250 reservatiois, hiac been rcceived( at the club bous early this week, with iany others co ilii daily. Oenefit Chairmcsn tion, Frsday afternooki, J une 4, Lt the Parish House .of St. Liske's Pro- Cathedral in livanston, is Mrs. Stall- !ey Ullrich of that city.. Thil