lier marriage last Satu rday af t- ertioon to Walter A. Goes, the s5on of Mr. and Mrs. GYeo-rge w Goes of Beverly His. The neckk. lace, started for the bride wvheil _she wý,as six years. 01d'.1 he granfaterhas recently been conpfleted l)hbr :grandrntiotljer, Mr.Charles T. -Neai of 01 maha,. Neb., ,whô here for> the wedding. AInother toucho sentiment -in the bride.'s :costurne - was a tulle ýveil edged. ini lace which was worn by her best friend, Mirs. Frank Kothmaofay ton, Ohio, for her m anag a ya ago- Mrs. Kothmhan wvas also a guest. at the we(Iding. The x'eil wvas fast- ened to a coroniet cap of lace, and conili-fingthe costume wvas a shower bouquet o. white roses,: and sweet Th-e Wedding cer emorîy took placeI ~at olkat the home of thle bride'si parenit,,, Nr. and Mrs. Sàaîhtiel Fair- fax\ 'aerof 524 Maple avenuie, be- foýre tfli1niners of the two familles anid a ve-rv fu\w intimatMe friertds. The Rev Wilia W.Iliffe o-f 'St. Paul's chtirch in Bieverlv His read* the serv'- ice, and iimmnieiately t olloiving -a re- i Ception w~as lheld. Sammiy Irene. and *Emily Lapsley Bakur, the b)ride's two sisters, were lier attendaniits. Sammny was gowned 1 in a liglit blne. emibroidered niarqui- s>ette over taffcta. She worP . nki LUXURiOUS STI LIGR E S Beautiful, lustrous,,pure ,dye Gowm ....n5.-5j(a satin. set trim müed wîth .. ..Il.9 quisite lace. Gown is$'long,$39...... and graceful with lace at Chemise . $95'. throat ýand hem. Ail four o.nfe pieces in tearose or white. . ...29 LINGERIE SECTION THIRD FLOORý ¶IIVss oi cemoroidered net over taffetal was a pecach shadle, and she wr horse hiair picture hat of dubonnet and carried a large shower bouquet o-f tokecn roses and Gerber daisies.' Mrs. Bker chose a gown of white ýernI)roideIre(l ni gold. for-lier daugh- ter's we(Iding, and Mrs. Goes a dress of hyacintýth blIne. Their shouilder-bout- qutets wcre of yellow roses, blue bacheclor buttons. and Gerber çaisies.' 1)eccorating the Baker homne for thl, ivecUaitg trip anu wiliA sUUi Veat home at 422 Southeast Third /treet, Evatisville, . md. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wa On of 921 Sheridan road spent last ,/Wk-end in, W ' 2